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Dana Linssen

Dana Linssen is a film critic, writer and philosopher from the  Netherlands. She is editor in chief of the independent film magazine de Filmkrant, longtime film critic for national daily newspaper NRC Handelsblad, lecturer in film analysis and film history at the ArtEZ Theatre Academy in Arnhem, and founder of the Slow Criticism Project, an ongoing series of publications, events and interventions as a counterbalance against the commodification of film criticism.

Recently she wrote the libretto Creator/Destroyer - 17 Ways to Spell Boson for a musical piece about the discovery of the Higgs-Boson, that will open in September at the Amersfortissimo Chamber Music Festival.

As a curator she co-organised (the return of the) Critic's Choice at the International Film Festival Rotterdam in 2015 with Jan Pieter Ekker. September 2015 will also see their new collaborative curating project at the Netherlands Film Festival in Utrecht that will involve artist's introductions for nine films in the new competition Forum of the Directors.

Read an example of Dana’s work here.


Twitter handle:  @danalinssen


City I call home: Earth

Genre/style/region of cinema I am most passionate about: Impossible

A film that changed me/my mind is: Singin’ in the Rain because it made me fall in love with cinema all over again.

MIFF 2015 film I’m most looking forward to: Cemetery of Splendour, because I wasn’t in Cannes this year and Apitchatpong Weerasethakul is one of those rare film makers that has access to the natural dream state of cinema.

I’m looking forward to Critics Campus because: It is actually the mentors learning from the participants ;-)

Cinema excites me because: It enhances life.