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NightSky Gallery


Total Photos:  2506

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Boston Harbor Moonrise


Island New Moon


Indreshwar Temple at Night


A Martian Night of Himalayas




Capella and Mt Everest


The Ceresltial Bull in Himalayas


The Roof of the Earth and Outerspace


A Galactic View of Himalayas


The Celestial Dogs of Himalayas


Beehive, Lynx, and Everest


Pitch-black Himalaya Night Sky


November Night




Around the Pole


Starry Twilight at 5000m High


Rays Across the Sky


Kilimanjaro Spectacular Sunrise Show


Rays, Moon, and Venus


Cerro Tololo Trails


Star Mirage


Constellations Above Himalayas


Yosemite Meteor Shower (photo composite)


New Moon and Clock Tower


New Moon and Mercury


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