Federal Politics

Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon is the political editor of The Age.

Bullet holes puncture a fence at the Manus Island detention centre.

Drunk soldiers blamed for Manus rampage

Provincial police commander David Yapu has slammed the "unethical and unacceptable behaviour of the drunken soldiers" who went on a violent rampage at the Manus Island detention centre on Good Friday.

The Turnbull Government has waved through a proposed cut to penalty rates.

Turnbull government backs penalty-rate cuts for low paid workers

The Turnbull government has hand-balled responsibility for protecting people facing big pay cuts on Sundays and public holidays to the Fair Work Commission, effectively guaranteeing Labor and the union movement will mount a ferocious industrial relations campaign all the way until the next election.

Malcolm Turnbull at the Snowy Hydro power station. The federal government's Snowy 2.0 plan, which would add 2000 MW of ...

Malcolm's power surge

When Malcolm Turnbull assumed the mantle of a nation-building prime minister this week, evoking the vision and courage of those who delivered Australia's biggest engineering project, he could have offered a silent prayer to his Liberal predecessors.