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Change is in the bag, but Australia's lawmakers lag on plastic bans

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The environmental and economic case against single-use plastic bags is so compelling that it beggars belief Australia's lawmakers continue to fail to react adequately.

These bags pollute land and sea, waste scarce resources, contaminate the food chain and choke and poison many creatures. Plastic bags are used for a matter of minutes, but can linger as pollution and landfill for many years.

More and more countries are eradicating the problem, primarily through levies or outright bans.

But Australia – one of the wealthiest nations and therefore one with a population less sensitive to waste and the cost of dealing with garbage – is yet to come up with a national strategy.

South Australia, the Northern Territory, the ACT and Tasmania have independently introduced bans, but the eastern seaboard states, where most of Australia's population lives, and Western Australia are yet to act.

They would all like to, and we urge them to muster the political will to end Australia's inexcusable lag in this important area of public policy.


Polls show widespread public support for ending the use of plastic bags and containers, which contain fossil fuels and do not properly biodegrade – they break down into particles, many of which are consumed by fish, birds and animals and thus enter the food chain, either killing the creatures that ingest the waste or polluting food sources we and other species eat.

The toxins they contain have also been found to harm our hormonal system – which controls our metabolism and much more.

Australians use between 4 billion and 5 billion plastic bags – let alone other single-use plastic packaging – annually. In 2008, South Australia introduced a ban that is estimated to have reduced that state's consumption by 400 million bags a year.

The evidence is that the existing bans in states and territories are working; the number of bags used in Australia has fallen from about 6 billion a year 15 years ago.

It matters. Of the more than 6million tonnes of rubbish the UN estimates is dumped in the ocean each year, as much as 80 per cent is plastic – resulting in some 46,000 pieces of plastic for every square mile of ocean. Each year, this kills about a million seabirds alone.

Almost a decade ago, then environment minister Peter Garrett's attempt to bring in a national ban on the bags was stymied by some states. But sooner or later, Australia's politicians will have to catch up en masse.

There is no rational reason not to make the move, and there are many rational reasons to emulate a policy that benefits the economy, society and the environment by slashing waste, improving public health and cutting pollution.

In the meantime, there is much we can all do at the individual and household level to lead the change in the states yet to legislate.

Although the focus is on supermarkets (Aldi does not provide plastic bags and supports a total ban, while Coles and Woolworths do use them, but are open to a ban), almost half of the offending bags come from convenience stores and fast-food sellers.

Easy ways for people to help end the problem include keeping a reusable bag in cars, handbags or work bags; not accepting a plastic bag unless there is no other way to carry takeaway food; always taking reusable bags to the supermarket and to the high street; and not buying bottled water or disposable plastic cups, plates and cutlery.

At the government level, international experience shows bans work best, but levies can also be effective, as can legislating the compulsory use of biodegradable containers. We can and should lead our lawmakers on this.

Disposable plastic bags have been around for only about 30 years. But, clearly and sadly, that's already far too long.

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