

'We are all but a few bad decisions away from catastrophe'

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A few weeks ago when this column featured one of Victoria's oldest but least known charities, The Queen's Fund, there was an uplifting response from people who wanted to help by donating money or by volunteering. Others shared their experiences, one of which is a focus of today's column, as it might help raise awareness of just how precarious life can be for so many in our nation as the gap widens between the wealthy and those on low incomes, and as people struggle with mental and physical illness, disability and family strife.

The Charity, run entirely by female volunteers, provides small emergency grants to women, and their children, who are in crisis and are referred by welfare agencies and community organisations. Last year, it helped 1214 women. Need is growing; the previous year there were 832 recipients. The loans are limited to a few hundred dollars, but are granted quickly and can save women from disaster and even death. Half the assistance is for issues associated with housing and/or family violence, the primary preventable cause of death and illness of women aged 15 to 45 in Australia. The rest goes to help with education costs of children and women, utility bills, basic necessities, transport and medical expenses. Almost half the women helped are aged between 40 and 60.

The Queen's Fund, which I've observed for years as my mother and my wife have been deeply involved, recently launched a website ( to mark its 130th anniversary and to streamline applications and donations. Through that site, the organisation was inundated by offers of help.

One came from a mother of two – let's call her Jane – who has been battling for the past three years to keep herself and her children housed. Jane wants to volunteer; she has a professional background and is a public speaker. Her note included this: "Please know that the last paragraph in Michael's article will never ever leave me. Ever. I hope there is a way you could let him know it. Until one has lived it one cannot really understand how true the words in that paragraph are."

That paragraph was: "We are all but a few bad decisions or some mongrel circumstances away from catastrophe."

I contacted Jane, and asked about her story. Here's part of what she wrote back:


Since mid 2014, I have been on a humbling journey. A journey of gut-wrenching emotional pain, while trying to keep a roof over my head and my two children … I have come to learn that my story is one that befalls so many women who are now in their middle years…

When my 20-year marriage was ended by my partner, I faced the reality that there would be no financial settlement. We had only ever rented and I was soon to learn that any savings we had ever had had been frittered away on high risk investments that eventuated to nothing … I did try many times to discuss our financial situation however I was always cleverly diverted.

After much counselling I now understand I had been the victim of financial abuse for many years and continue to be long after the relationship has ended… We have been held up by the kindness of a handful of very kind friends. Initially we lived between their two homes then they kindly paid my rent for one year after I found a private rental. Now another friend is helping me till the end of August so we can stay here. After that the future is bleak in terms of where we will live. I have no means of paying rent…

I have lost count of the positions I have applied for and not even get an interview. I am in my mid-fifties and have been out of the workforce for many years. Once an employer works that out they move onto the next one … In my journey I have learnt many things for which I will be always grateful. I have learnt that the staff at Centrelink do the best that they can with what they have. It is not their fault that the average wait is about 90 mins and that wait might have to be for four days in a row before you get through. Until you have needed to use this service you cannot imagine what it is like and how desperately it needs to be overhauled.

I have learnt to have more compassion for those living with acute anxiety disorders and feelings of overwhelming sadness. Because that now is me. My children and I have experienced kindness and compassion through the wonderful school chaplaincy program at our high school. My GP, who has bulk-billed me every time I have been to see him asking him why I should stay alive. He has told me to keep going, to do it for my kids if I can find no other reason. And I have. I have also learnt the art of forgiveness.

Michael Short is The Age's chief editorial writer. @shortmsgs