

Cancellation of Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Australian tour is regrettable

Passing through Amman airport last month after the imposition of the US ban on carrying laptop computers in cabin baggage, counter-insurgency expert David Kilcullen had the flying dangers put in perspective by a Jordanian airline employee.

"Ah, you're from Australia," he was told. "It's so dangerous there."

When Kilcullen asked why the employee responded "All those sharks. Too dangerous to swim – and then there are crocodiles."

I spent my teenage years on the beach at Cronulla and I've spent the last nine years on the beach in Victoria.

I have to say in all that time, I've never seen a shark. And there's no chance I'd see a crocodile since they only inhabit the northern tropics.

But I have seen the memorial at North Cronulla to the seven local women who died in the 2002 Bali bombings that took 202 lives, including 88 Australians.


To this day, the families of the killed and injured are severely affected and some Australians are too scared to fly or travel overseas.

Others fear that a terrorist attack will get them here in Australia.

This fear is reinforced by the media coverage of incidents such as the London Westminster Bridge attack, where a lone wolf drove a car into pedestrians killing three and then stabbed a policeman to death.

Every incident around the world – but particularly those in Western countries – gets coverage.

The time when you could live in blissful ignorance is well and truly over.

We get bombarded from all sides with news of attacks and it's hard for many to put them into perspective.

The chance that you, or a member of your family, will be killed or injured by a terrorist attack is extremely small.

No government can prevent the lone wolf attacks.

But when these happen we should be wary of giving Islamic State the credit. The "credit" and publicity is what the terrorist organisation wants.

The Westminster murderer Khalid Masood was a man with a 20 year criminal history. He was yet another example of a disaffected man who sought fame and glory by cloaking his final criminal act in the Islamic State flag.

Research by US political scientist John Mueller and Australian civil engineer Mark Stewart who investigated terrorist attacks in the United States found that most terrorists were not particularly clever, or crafty.

The 9/11 hijackers were well-nigh unique in the sophistication of their operation.

The words typically used to describe the other US perpetrators in the courts were: incompetent, unintelligent, idiotic, ignorant, inadequate, unorganised, misguided, muddled, amateurish, dopey, unrealistic, moronic, irrational and foolish.

And in just about all the cases where the FBI had an operative infiltrate the plot the terrorists were gullible.

We would be better served if these thugs were presented as common criminals.

It is regrettable that Somali born author Ayaan Hirsi Ali's tour of Australia has been cancelled.

The outspoken campaigner, who was raised as a practicing Muslim, has made her mark in calling for an Islamic reformation to bring the religion into the modern world.

She argues that there is a schizophrenia within Islam.

"If you believe that Muhammad is your moral guide, then you have to accept that there was a peaceful character in Muhammad and that there is a warlord, a military man, a beheader, a man who sold people into slaves," she says.

The Islamic State and al Qaeda clearly belong to the warlord strand which is heavily influenced by the teachings of eighteenth century preacher Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab.

Today's Wahhabists do not accept that many people who call themselves Muslim are in fact Muslim.

To them Shiites are apostates and the mild form of Islam practised by, for example, most in Indonesia would be unacceptable.

It's worth noting here that had the lone-wolf Lindt Café killer Man Haron Monis crossed into Islamic State territory rather than come to Australia, as a Shiite Muslim, he would in all probability have been beheaded. His last minute conversion to Sunni religion and the Islamic State cause only confirms his schizophrenic condition.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali's observation about Islamic violence cannot be ignored.

The fear is that the Islamic State strand of intolerance is spreading in countries like Turkey and Indonesia.

Despite the Indonesian state motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, or unity in diversity, we have not only had terrorist attacks and the burning of churches but we have seen fundamentalists burning down mosques and attacking LGBTI citizens and members of other sects of Islam such as the Ahmadiyya.

The campaign against Jakarta Governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama is only the latest example of the hard-liners' activities

On the positive side Indonesia's distinct moderate form of Islamic lives on in, for example, central Java where the ancient Hindu temple of Prambanan stands and to this day people who identify as Muslims perform a Javanese-adapted version of the Hindu Ramayana story on its steps.

Not far away -- in contrast with the Islamic State and Taliban destruction of Palmyra and Bamiyan -- the huge Borobudur Buddhist temple stands as another monument to the region's tolerance and history.

Tourism of such sites provides economic support to those battling the Islamic hard-liners.

In Australia it would be preferable if those who planned to mount protests against Ayaan Hirsi Ali instead spent their time campaigning against Wahhabist intolerance and the other fundamentalist preachers.