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How to prepare for the NBN as the national roll-out speeds up

Four smartphones, three iPads, two laptops, a smart TV, computer, fridge, Xbox, Wii and Playstation.

It's not the stock list of an electronics store, it's the number of internet-enabled devices in the Howard family home, and it's a fairly common list.

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A simple hack for those of us lucky enough to have the NBN could give you some of the fastest internet in Australia. Video courtesy TechWiz Time.

"As a photographer I am always uploading large files," said Barb Howard.

"My husband also runs a business from home ... my son is an avid gamer and my daughter is mad on streaming, plus they use the internet for all their homework."

In November last year the Howards received the National Broadband Network at their Cranebrook home, near Penrith, taking them from ADSL to a 100mbps NBN plan offering speeds they have "never had before".

In its recent Digital Consumer Study, technology research firm Telsyte revealed 46 per cent of Australians now use the internet as their main source of entertainment.


In 2015-16, video consumption on average per person increased by 20 per cent; from 5.5 hours a week to 6.6 hours.

"This usage of video content is driving the need for fatter pipes into the home," said Foad Fadaghi, Telsyte's managing director.

When will I be connected?

In February NBN released a "check your address" function on its website, allowing Australians to view the sort of technology they will be receiving and when.

"We will be halfway built by the middle of this year," said NBN public affairs manager Philippa Perry.

To reach its completion date in 2020, NBN is connecting about 20,000-30,000 premises each week.

What are the different technologies and which one will I get?

The main aim of the NBN is to create a network providing at least 25 megabits per second to every Australian by 2020, using seven different technologies.

Here's what they all mean:

  • Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) delivers new fibre optic cable from the exchange to a home. Only 17-21 per cent of homes will receive FTTP, mostly in new housing estates.
  • Fibre to the Node (FTTN) will roll out to most metro areas and cover 43-54 per cent of the roll-out. It runs fibre optic cables from the exchange to nodes in a local area. The existing copper network is then used to deliver broadband from the node to your house. how the nbn is tracking panel
  • Fibre to the Curb (FTTC) a variation on FTTN, with the fibre installed to a distribution point on the footpath. From there it is connected to existing copper wires. It remains unclear how many homes will receive this.
  • Fibre to the building/basement (FTTB) is being installed in existing and new apartments and office blocks, connecting fibre-optic cable to existing building wiring.
  • Hybrid Fibre-Coaxial (HFC) uses the "pay TV network" cabling to reach your home. Current estimates suggest 21-27 per cent of homes will use this technology. (You can still use Foxtel as normal.)
  • Fixed Wireless sends data from a transmission tower to an antenna on the roof of a property. The towers are usually installed on the outskirts of urban areas and in regional towns.
  • Sky Muster (Satellite) is targeted at remote areas. NBN currently has two satellites in the atmosphere, serving about 70,000 consumers. However it is anticipated that figure could hit 200,000 by the end of the roll-out. Around 8 per cent of premises will take on satellite and fixed wireless technology.

How fast will my internet be?

At a wholesale level NBN offers four different speed tiers:

  • Basic broadband (12mbps): for those who don't stream video and only use email and web browsing.
  • Fast broadband (25mbps): suitable for moderate video streaming, email and web browsing.
  • Fast broadband for concurrent use (50mbps): best for homes and businesses with multiple people and devices, gaming, large downloads and uploads, streaming.
  • Superfast broadband (100mbps): for homes with large internet data needs; using 4K video streaming, uploading and downloading large files or super responsive online gaming.

You need to check with your retail service provider to find out what speed tiers they offer. Remember - NBN is only a wholesaler, your first port of call is your retail service provider.

"From a wholesale level we find around 80 per cent of our wholesale speed tier sales are in the 12 to 25 camp," Ms Perry said.

I've heard some say their internet speed is worse after getting the NBN...

Recent media reports have described the speed woes of some consumers around Australia.

A NBN spokeswoman acknowledged that some people had faced connection issues and "may not have had a great experience".

She said consumers unhappy with their service needed to first contact their provider, because speeds are determined not only by the network technology, but "equipment quality, software, broadband plans [and] signal reception".

What kind of package should I get?

Mr Fadaghi said Australians should be choosing the highest speed tier available.

"Around 10 per cent of households have a smart TV, [also called 4K TV]. It's not unlikely that something like a quarter of households will have 4K in the next year or two. Those households will certainly need a higher tier."

What should I do before the NBN comes to my street?

Once you know when the NBN will arrive check with your current provider to see what line speeds are available.

After that, shop around. If you've been with the same provider for a long time you may be stuck on a legacy contract that isn't even offered anymore, which could mean you are paying too much.

Any new hardware you need, like modems, will generally be supplied by your provider, however NBN recommends all households check their equipment with their provider as it may impact their service performance.

Be sure to ask about peak loads and confirm what speed you are currently on, so that you ensure you match or better your service.