Home of logic puzzles
Sudoku Fill empty squares so each number appears exactly once in every row, column and box
Link-a-Pix Find the way clues are linked, paint the paths and discover a hidden pixel-art picture
Kakuro Fill empty squares so each block sums up to the number on its left or on its top
Sym-a-Pix Find the symmetry, paint the blocks and discover a hidden pixel-art picture
Battleships Discover by logic alone where the battleships fleet is hidden in the sea
Tic-Tac-Logic Fill remaining squares so there are no more than two adjacent X or O in a row or column
Hashi Connect bridges between islands, according to their values, to form one interconnecting path
Slitherlink Surround each clue with lines, according to its value, to form one single loop
CalcuDoku Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division will never be the same again
Maze-a-Pix Discover the path from entrance to exit, paint it, and reveal a real hidden picture
Skyscrapers Arrange skyscrapers in a grid so their skyline is visible according to the clues
Dot-a-Pix Connect dozens, hundreds or even a thousand dots to reveal the hidden picture
Hitori Shade squares so that numbers don’t appear in a row or column more than once
Nurikabe Partition between clues with walls to create islands with corresponding size

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Evil Sudoku: Cover

40 page downloadable PDF book containing 132 Classic Sudoku puzzles in...>>

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