ABC Open Frequently Asked Questions

  • General Open Questions

    • I'm not creative or a media maker. Is there anything for me on ABC Open?

      Yes! Everyone has a story, and there's space for all kinds of contributions. There are lots of different ways for people to involved in ABC Open. Check out our current projects. If you don't see something you like now, keep checking in to see what's new, and get in touch with your local ABC Open producer to suggest things you'd like to do.

    • Who can get involved?

      Anyone who'd like to be involved can be.

    • What age do you need to be?

      there is no age limit or minimum (or maximum!) age for contributors.

    • Do you provide equipment to people for creating their work?

      No, the ABC is not funded to buy equipment for sharing with people other than our staff. But we will help people get the best out of the equipment that they already have and work with organisations who can provide those kinds of resources.

    • How can I go to a workshop?

      Find your region to find out about upcoming events and workshops.

  • About ABC Open Projects

    • How can I get involved?

      Each project will call out for contributions and give clear instructions about how to get involved eg the format (text, photos, video) and how to provide that contribution. We'll also provide guidelines about other things you'll want to consider, like how many photos to contribute, or how long to make your article or video. And we'll let you know where you can see and hear the results and see what other people are contributing too.

    • How can I contribute videos?

      To contribute videos you first need to upload them to YouTube or Vimeo. If you choose to use Vimeo, make sure your video privacy settings are set so that 'anyone' can see your video. They have some helpful FAQs and video tutorials to give you more guidance. If you choose to use YouTube you must make sure your channel settings 'Do not allow advertisements to be displayed beside my videos'. ABC Open is not a commercial space, so please respect this. Your videos must also be set to 'public' or 'unlisted' (not 'private'). Once your videos are uploaded you just need to submit the URL to the project you'd like to be part of. More specfic details can be found on the project pages.

    • I'd like to suggest a project idea. How do I go about it?

      Get in touch with your local ABC Open producer. They're interested in project ideas and your thoughts about different ways to contribute.

    • When I'm creating work for a project can I say I'm from the ABC?

      NO. But you can say you're making it FOR the ABC if you are planning to upload it to ABC Open.

  • Your Content & Copyright

    • If I contribute a video or a photo to the ABC, does the ABC then own the copyright in the work?

      No, our terms and contributions state that by contributing to the ABC, we are asking that you grant us a non-exclusive licence but that the copyright remains with the creator ie. you still own the work and can publish it anywhere else you like, providing you own all parts of that content.

    • Will I be paid for submitting to ABC Open? Why not?

      ABC Open is a community participation project, where the ABC will be helping people to create and help them distribute their work and ideas. It's about a two-way exchange, so we're not asking people who have nothing to gain to get involved. We always want people to feel that they come away with something - a new skill, an audience for their ideas, stories and work, and to feel that the collaboration has been fruitful. ABC Open isn't about getting free content, or taking away resources from the rest of the ABC. It's new funding to help people do what they want to do. While we welcome people with skills, ABC Open is not focussed on professionals, but on regular audience members who want to participate using the web and digital media.

      Additionally, the ABC doesn't own the content you submit - participants use what they make with us in any way that they would like, and the ABC does not make money out of it - unlike other sites which raise revenue through advertising.

      In short what we offer is:

      Skills development - distribution - context - community

  • Registration

    • What is a display name and can I change it?

      Your display name is what people will be able to see on the website to view and find your content. It can be your real name or another name. Choose wisely as unfortunately this cannot be changed.

    • I've already contributed to ABC Open through flickr, Vimeo or Instagram. Will those contributions appear on my contributions page?

      Once you register, you can link your accounts to your ABC Open account from your account settings page. From January 2014, we will no longer be using flickr for contributions. To contribute your images to ABC projects register, or if you’re already member, login.

    • Can I delete my acount?

      Of course. Just email to request your account to be deleted. Your content may continue to be available online after your account is deleted.

    • Can I edit my profile?

      Head to your profile page to upload a profile picture, cover image and add a short bio. You can link to personal websites but please remember that the ABC is non-commercial and therefore we cannot publish anything that promotes the purchase of products.

      For example...

      OK - Take a look at my website for more examples of my photography

      NOT OK - Go to my website to buy prints.

      Read our community guidelines for more details.

Find an Open producer

We run free workshops and can give you skills training and advice on how to create and share your story