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The Guardian Global Development Professionals Network is a community for those working in the & humanitarian sectors.

Na Twitteri od: október 2012


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  1. pred 1 hodinou

    Treatment is male-centric - women who come ask: what will people think? What will the community think?

  2. pred 4 hodinami

    Heroin is very good at getting rid of all my problems': drugs and sexism in India

  3. pred 7 hodinami
  4. pred 10 hodinami

    Gender bias & stigma mean female drug addicts survive under the radar, making it harder for them to access treatment

  5. pred 12 hodinami

    The killing of Xanda – Cecil the Lion’s son – has sparked debate about what hunting really means

  6. 2. 8.
  7. 2. 8.
  8. 2. 8.
  9. 1. 8.

    Maintaining the momentum for the : how can we transform societies for good? Sign up for our event:

  10. 1. 8.

    'Heroin is very good at getting rid of all my problems': drugs and sexism in India

  11. 1. 8.
  12. 1. 8.

    Modern trophy hunters can shoot animals via the internet – but they argue that it is all conservation

  13. 1. 8.
  14. 1. 8.

    Come to our New York event on the SDGs in September with

  15. 1. 8.

    Treatment is male-centric - women who come ask: what will people think? What will the community think?

  16. 1. 8.
  17. 31. 7.

    “I am from a country where we value expats more than we value ourselves”

  18. 31. 7.

    The killing of Xanda – Cecil the Lion’s son – has sparked debate about what hunting really means

  19. 30. 7.

    Work in or in New York? Come to our SDGs event on 19 September

  20. 30. 7.

    Treatment is male-centric - women who come ask: what will people think? What will the community think?

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