
Alexi Navalny is no “honest guardian” against Kremlin oppression, anarchists warn

Following liberal “centrist” protests against corruption in Russia on March 26th which saw hundreds of arrests, led by lawyer and political figure Alexi Navalny, Russian anarcho-syndicalist group KRAS-AIT argues that for the country’s poor, his “responsible” free-market vision offers no respite:

1917年彼得格勒工厂委员会运动综述 ——工人监督与无产阶级政权

Putilov factory meeting - Petrograd 1917


Authoritarian Neoliberalism: the Specter of Pinochet

Vaporwave Pinochet

This essay explores the rise of populist demagogues and the economics of their regimes. Rather than marking a clear break with neoliberalism or a direct tie to early twentieth century fascism, these figures historically connect to the regime of Augusto Pinochet and illustrate a growing trend of authoritarian-neoliberalism.

1995: Russian Mothers Attempt to Stop Chechen War

Article about the attempt by a group of Russian Mothers to stop the first war in Chechnya by direct action.

The agrarian question in the Russian revolution: from material community to productivism, and back - Loren Goldner

Buried under almost a century of ideology, "the Russian question," the historical meaning of the defeat of the Russian revolution, is the question that will not go away. This essay is an attempt to answer it.

Summary of international week of actions for Russian anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners

Between 1st and 10th of July, international days of solidarity for
political prisoners of Putin's police state took place in 21 cities of
10 different countries.

The last testament of the left communist Gavriil Miasnikov


Translated and annotated text of the Left communist Gavriil Miasnikov's interrogation by the People's Commissariat for State Security after his return to Russia in 1945, giving an outline of his life and ideas.

The soviets: the Russian workers, peasants and soldiers councils 1905-1921 - Oskar Anweiler

All-Russian assembly of workers' councils, Petrograd 1917

A detailed study of the workers', soldiers' and peasants' councils which sprung up across Russia in the revolutions of 1905 and 1917.

Strike and self-organisation of truckers in Russia

Two truck drivers standing in a truck parking area holding a banner

Video interview with a supporter of the truck drivers' industrial action in Russia.

Recent interview with Clinton aide contains disturbing hints of the wars to come

A recent interview shows Clinton's determination to push Russia into an increasingly desperate and isolated position, one hesitates to think of the consequences.