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As a Jewish parent, I'm horrified by calls to ban Islamic schools

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As a Jewish person, I am constantly reminded of my minority status, and the lack of understanding of my culture. Every Christmas, for example, I am asked how I am celebrating. I'm not, I tell them. Jews don't celebrate Christmas.

And it's fine. I get it. Australia is big, and the Jewish community is extremely small. I can't expect everyone to understand who we are.

Having said that, I want my children to understand. I want them to be familiar with their cultural background and history. They are alive because their great-great-grandparents escaped pre-war Eastern Europe, and I want them to appreciate their heritage.

And so I enrolled them in a Jewish school. It is inclusive – all religions are welcome – but it incorporates Jewish Studies, Jewish History, and Hebrew (the language of prayer) into the weekly lessons.

The school doesn't opt out of the standard Australian curriculum. The Jewish subjects are taught in addition to the secular subjects, meaning my kids' school day is longer than those at public schools. They learn the meaning of each Jewish festival, they learn to sight read Hebrew, and they learn the history of the Holocaust and the Jewish people.

I am thrilled with the education they receive. My own knowledge of Jewish history and culture is patchy at best, and I simply could not offer my children that depth of understanding. What's more, there is a sense of community at the school, a subgroup within the wider community, with families sharing a similar culture and heritage.


The school community isn't a ghetto, and it doesn't deny or reject secular society. Every school assembly includes an acknowledgement of the traditional owners of the land and the Australian anthem as well as the Israeli national anthem. It recognises that the students belong to at least two cultural groups – the smaller Jewish community, and wider Australian society.

As a parent of kids at one religious school, I am horrified by the calls of activists such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali to ban another type of religious school – the Islamic school. The opposition is, of course, framed around the danger of radicalisation. Activists claim Islamic schools provide a hothouse in which extremism is cultivated.

But radicalisation does not logically flow from religious education. In fact, studies show that most radicalised Muslim men attended public schools, not community schools. The risk factors for radicalisation include disenfranchisement, unemployment, and alienation from the community, not religious education.

Ultimately, the role of religious schools is to help minority groups maintain their sense of community, their understanding of their religion, and their cultural heritage. After all, culture survives when it is passed down from generation to generation. Whether you are Jewish, Muslim, Indigenous, Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Chinese, Irish or otherwise, your values and customs come not from your genetic load, but from the lessons you learned from your parents and your teachers.

Religious schools pass on knowledge, ideals and beliefs to the next generation in a formal structure, and create a sense of community and belonging within the wider secular society. My kids are both Australian and Jewish. Because of their school, they understand their heritage as well as their country, and feel part of their cultural community.

Banning Islamic schools, Jewish schools, and other religious schools will inhibit the ability of all religious minorities to keep their cultures alive. And I suspect this is what Ali and those like her want.  They fear cultural minorities, because they conflate religious extremism with religion in general. They would have us banish ethnic and cultural sub-groups, and turn Australia into one giant, homogenous blob. They would remove all the shades of colour from our country and leave us a murky grey.

But our varied cultures and religions are a defining feature of Australian society. We live together - Indigenous Australians, Christians, Jews, Muslims and Hindus – all identifying as Australian, but maintaining our own unique customs and beliefs. Religious schools help to keep these vibrant cultures alive, so that future generations can take pride in their heritage.

And they still learn maths, English, science and history. They just learn a little bit extra, too.