Life Top Stories
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Babies show a preference for their own race and bias against people who are not their race from as young as 6 months, but parents can help to reverse this.
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From flipped classrooms to increased environmental awareness and using Minecraft as a teaching tool, Australia could do well to learn from these education...
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The age-old airborne bacterial illness infects 10.4 million people and kills 1.8 million people a year, so why do we continue to downplay its existence?
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Taking a hot bath can burn as many calories as a 30-minute walk, but is calorie-counting all it's cracked up to be?
The March for Science on April 22 is expected to be the largest gathering of its kind in history, attracting public and political appreciation for scientists...
Mia Kang says the combat sport helped her develop her body confidence and self-esteem, while keeping her down to earth in the image-led world of modeling.
Dear Nation of Landlords, writes Helen Razer: "If you don’t want a Nation of Tenants at your doorstep demanding better conditions—and remember, these guys are...

Testing Teachers

Exploring the rewarding highs and challenging lows involved with educating Australia's youngest minds. Watch the new Testing Teachers documentary series from Wednesday 19 April at 8.30pm on SBS. 

A cyber schoolyard and masterclasses with human rights lawyers and astrophysicists are all part of everyday life at virtual school Aurora College.
Selective secondary schools are supposed to cater for gifted and talented students across all sections of society, but increasingly they are the preserve of...
Your postcode can reveal a lot about you – not just where you live or what football team you support. As Nicola Heath explains, your postcode is one of the most...
Some children in the USA are being bullied because of their faith, according to a new study about the impact of the Trump presidency on the country's classrooms.
Children need to see themselves in texts, and to read stories that reflect marginalised sexual, racial and gendered diversities, now more than ever, writes Louis...
“I always feel good with the children. Their parents love me and the other teachers and principals I have had were wonderful.”
With a new school year comes a new parental challenge: ensuring your child's teachers motivate, inspire and build resilience. But that's easier said than done.

Health check

Breaking down the latest medical news, global health issues, research and analyses.

In Finland, cardboard box beds are believed to reduce the infant mortality rate, but doctors elsewhere are showing a limited enthusiasm for the baby sleep solution.
Yes, it cuts your chance of coming down with influenza, but there are a number of other things to consider before getting the jab.
Is it dangerous to wake up a sleepwalker?
“We’ve had patients tell us they take 400 to 500 tablets day …They put it in a blender and make a smoothie and drink it over one or two hours.”
The first batch of legal medical cannabis oil, capsules and vapour is about to be released to those who desperately need it in Victoria. But one method will not...
Afaf Alfawwal's experience of postnatal depression was challenging but the way she dealt with it was inspiring. The mother of one tells SBS that she will not let...
It’s not just making decisions that’s hard. It’s the aftermath of making the wrong ones. Jo Hartley explains what happens when anxiety takes hold.


Meet our columnists. They've got strong views on all things. Their words may (or may not) change the world.

Preliminary data released by the ABS has painted the picture of the "typical Australian". Too bad if you're not a 38-year-old married female with two children, writes...
"Don’t delay telling your children."
Witches, Slavic water fights and a bloody Easter bunny hunt are just some of the more 'unique' ways that people around the world will celebrate Easter this year.
You’ve probably heard of Passover, one of the biggest events in the Jewish calendar, but do you know what it’s about (and that you're supposed serve wine to...
It’s a phrase that's thrown around by politicians and activists, but Helen Razer believes that political correctness is more an amplifier than a red tape.


Let's talk about sex, love, dating, marriage, coupledom.

A new study says who we date is largely based on our own desirability and where we live.

What comes after Tinder?

What to do when Tinder fails and swiping left or right just doesn't cut it anymore?
Sex itself isn’t what boosts our spirits - it’s about the snuggles we share before, during, and after that keeps us buzzing.
Johnny and Charlotte really hit it off on their date when all of a sudden, the love bubble burst. Was it Johnny's disability?
"This Valentine’s Day, I choose me. As trite as that may sound, it is the most important choice of all. Choosing single life is not a failure it is a celebration...


Parenting for modern families: new rules for a new age.

The challenges of new motherhood are well documented, but Kelly Eng hadn't counted on malnutrition being among them until her own bun was out of the oven.
Many think it's bizarre, but some experts believe shared nursing helps not only babies but lactating women, especially those in the throes of maternal grief.
At the age of four, children have a basic understanding of gender differences and expectations. But it is unlikely they would knowingly be sexist.
For mums or dads of injured children, watching them undergo medical procedures can be very stressful, but your stress can make their pain worse.
Peter Papathanasiou looks back on the time a high priest ordered the immediate baptism of all the babies in his town, and he was dunked in holy water. Twice.


Here's how you can nourish the mind, body and soul. No empty calories here.

What happens when our quest for "clean eating" and desire for "perfect health" trumps everything else, perhaps without us even realising it?
Sobbing to a good old tearjerker song produces a measureable sense of pleasure in the listener.
A study pertinent to fans of puppies and babies.
I quit gluten to feel better after eating bread and survived. But was that whole dieting episode really necessary?
The Christian tradition of Lent is shrouded in mystery for many, but the 40-day period of abstinence, prayer and reflection is still as relevant as ever. Here's...

Good vibes

Relish in our inspiring, motivational and celebratory news with a feel-good SBS story. 

"Most of the people who go to the beach don't necessarily fit into that bronzed Aussie stereotype. It's very multicultural these days."
“Human trafficking is a man-made issue. It’s not a disease that you get that we don’t have a cure for. It can be stopped.” Stephanie Lorenzo.
To all the women who keep charging forward, who never give up despite all that is thrown at them. You are the women who have shaped me.
Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen wasn’t always a vegan or a feminist or proud of her Vietnamese heritage. In this letter to her younger self, she braces her teenage self...
Freelancing should guarantee career freedom. But, says Neha Kale, entrepreneurship won’t let women control their own destiny unless we address the inequities that...


Stories that wrestle with matters of identity and culture, and challenge racial preconceptions.

How much do we actually know about the concept and history of this sociological term, which is rapidly gaining popularity?
Do we really believe that all racists care about women’s rights?
Throughout history, heroic icons such as cowboys, goldminers and valiant ANZAC troops have all been depicted as white, but our origin stories are far more diverse, writes Neha Kale.
“But how do you challenge systems of discrimination, oppression and exploitation? The same as you would when facing a racist individual: you call it out."
"The Internet has made racism more accessible, for both the racists and the victims of this hatred."
It's Harmony Day, so we're sharing stories from these stars about facing racism and how they've dealt with it.
Identity politics is coming under fire from conservatives who say it is promotes false grievances, and progressives who call it a distraction from class issues. Omar Sakr explains why he thinks those ...

Stairway to Spirituality

We celebrate and explore a multiplicity of spiritual beliefs from around the world. 

With so much happening around us, how do we even start to comprehend the enormity of ‘tragic circumstances’ across the world? Anglican minister, Dr Michael Jensen, explains what he sees as the fli...
Faith in contraception could spell the end of atheism, according to a new study.
Amal Awad never imagined she would bring home a non-Muslim-but-soon-to-convert-Anglo guy to her parents. She further never envisaged the eventual acceptance of this union. But like gluten-free diets, ...

Food of the faithful: Keeping Kosher

What is Kosher and how does one actually keep it?
What's it like to have a relationship, guided by values of faith, chastity and patience? Hillsong couple, Tristan and Renee Scifo, tell SBS how they have overcome modern-day dating challenges by first...
What drives you?

Patrick Abboud is driven to tell stories that inspire change. 


SBS has teamed up with Holden to support the drivers of change. Tell us how you would drive change in your community for a chance to win a $50,000 grant. 


Stories bringing Indigenous into Australia’s identity. Celebrating inspiring groups and individuals. #WalkWithUs

How much do we actually know about the concept and history of this sociological term, which is rapidly gaining popularity?

Indigenous Conversations

Walk with us on SBS sheds the lights on Aboriginal culture.

Indigenous life depicted on Greek-Australian artist's paintings
A repatriation ceremony has been held at the Australian Embassy in Berlin to respectfully acknowledge the unconditional return of three Indigenous ancestral remains.
Maoriland festival goers gets an insight into how 360 technology is being adapted and used in Australia for social and political development for Indigenous Australians.

More dispatches from Life
