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The Spectator
Politics, culture and more; weekly since 1828, and a bit more often here. Subscribe from just £12 for 12 weeks:
The Spectator 3h
Philip Hammond's numbers don't add up, says Ross Clark:
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Spectator Culture 5h
Buffy the Vampire Slayer made me the man I am, writes
The Spectator 6h
My hunch is that the SNP’s record in government is starting to catch up with it, says
The Spectator 9h
John McDonnell missed his Question Time appearance this week. Who was to blame? The Tories, according to McDonnell
The Spectator 9h
Why does Theresa May have Tony Blair’s former chief policy wonk helping direct Tory policy on employment?
The Spectator 10h
No facts are allowed to intervene in National Trust Kiddy World, says Harry Mount
The Spectator 11h
Guy Verhofstadt thinks Brexit is a ‘disaster’. But he has a solution:
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Steerpike 12h
John McDonnell’s Question Time excuse falls short
The Spectator 13h
As the NIC furore shows, when people say ‘I’d be prepared to pay more to fund the NHS’, they don’t actually mean it.
The Spectator 13h
When politicians make demonstrably false claims, it's unsurprising that they are called 'liars', says
The Spectator 13h
To break a manifesto pledge and pretend you haven’t by citing non-existent small print is damaging to the Tories
The Spectator Mar 10
Why have the Tories got so few ideas that they need to raise New Labour’s undead to do their policymaking for them?
The Spectator Mar 10
It’s no exaggeration to say that the free school policy is the most successful education policy of the last 25 years
The Spectator Mar 10
Peel away the fairy-tale trappings of Maeterlinck’s original play, and the world of this opera is profoundly cruel
The Spectator Mar 10
If you want an example of American exceptionalism, here it is
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Apollo Magazine Mar 10
The Spectator Mar 10
Did you have an enjoyable ? Rod Liddle did:
The Spectator Mar 10
The romance – and importance – of independent bookshops
The Spectator Mar 10
The Budget laid bare the lie that people are happy to pay more tax to fund the NHS.
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Spectator Life Mar 10
CNN presenter calls on women around the world to ‘step up’
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Spectator Culture Mar 10
Books podcast: Resisting the self-improvement craze
The Spectator Mar 10
An Australian notebook on the fate of Australia's fourth prime minister in four years
The Spectator Mar 10
Interview: on betting, boobs and boozing at the for
The Spectator Mar 10
Are Christian MPs being silenced by the 'secular inquisition'? is joined by & :
The Spectator retweeted
Spectator Culture Mar 10
If a single book can make you a stronger, better person, it is Julia Samuel’s Grief Works
The Spectator retweeted
Steerpike Mar 10
Watch: BBC pundit’s interview interrupted… by his children
The Spectator Mar 10
Melissa Kite vows to reject all offers on her flat that are based on lunatic development plans
The Spectator Mar 10
The Suffolk-Essex border – beautifully untrendy, and spared invasion by tourist coaches
The Spectator Mar 10
This was a pure audio experience. No intrusive music. Just the human voice, speaking about discomfiting questions
The Spectator Mar 10
Are we over-organising our lives for no good reason at all? Being busy for the sake of it?