Daily Life


Sylvia Jeffreys shares snap of paparazzo Liam Mendes' dam jam

Sunrise co-host Samantha Armytage and celebrity fat fighter Michelle Bridges were not on the guest list for Peter Stefanovic and Sylvia Jeffreys' wedding, but you can bet they were punching the air with joy over the Kangaroo Valley extravaganza.

Jeffreys posted a photo on her Instagram account this week showing a small silver hatchback which ended up in a dam after the driver apparently miscalculated the terrain as he was in pursuit of unauthorised photos of the couple.

It turns out the driver is none other than Sydney's "baby faced" paparazzo, 23-year-old Liam Mendes, the same intrepid snapper who landed in hot water over his dogged pursuit of Bridges in her local Woolworths which ended in a rather unseemly court battle for her failed bid to have a restraining order taken out on him.

He is also the same photographer who caused an almighty outcry after his unflattering shots of Armytage wearing "granny panties" were splashed across the media.

A local farmer had to haul Mendes' vehicle out of the dam, in what will go down as one of the more embarrassing chapters in the take-no-prisoners Sydney paparazzi annals.

Perhaps Mendes should go back to "Pap School"? Indeed you would have to wonder if the $1195 "Advanced Surveillance Course" he did in February was worth it.

Meanwhile the witch hunt continues for the wedding guest who leaked video and audio to the media of Karl Stefanovic's highly entertaining but slightly off-key wedding speech/performance in which he suggested his brother Peter was gay, would end up behind bars like Channel Nine colleague Tara Brown and that the Stefanovic family "doesn't pay for shit".