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Get Out And Vote

Nearly a third of Kiwis didn’t vote in the last election. That’s not good for our democracy. But if we work together, we can help turn that around in 2014.

Pay Equity Challenge

FIRST Union is a member of the Pay Equity Challenge coalition - a broad coalition of community, employer, union, and academic groups who are committed to putting pay equity issues back on the Government’s, and New Zealand’s, agenda.

Putting Workers First

MembersThe National Distribution Union and Finsec joined forces on 1 October 2011 to form one of New Zealand’s newest unions – FIRST Union. 

We are 27,000 workers in Finance, Industrial (Textile and Wood) Retail, Stores & Transport, who have come together to get a better deal at work.

If you’re not a member of the union, join today to win higher pay, better conditions and have more say at work.

Read the articles below to read about what's happening in FIRST Union, or click here to view all the latest news.





IRIS Superannuation Scheme 2016 Annual Report

Article Date: 
Thursday, October 13, 2016

The scheme’s Annual Report for the year to 31 March 2016 is out now. 

The Annual Report shows the financial position of the scheme at 31 March and how well the investments have performed during the financial year.

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