Don't be rude.
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In addition to reddit's global rules, /r/creepy enforces the following:
1. IF IT'S NOT CREEPY, DON'T POST IT. Insufficiently creepy submissions will be removed at moderators' discretion. Generally speaking, if it can work as a post on a comedy or a cute subreddit, it doesn't belong here. Due to high submission volumes, creepy looking buildings without a suitably ominous backstory will be redirected to other subreddits.
If a post is completely off topic, please report the post and message the mods.
2. Do NOT complain "That's not creepy!" in the comments. REPORT THE SUBMISSION USING THE LINK PROVIDED BY REDDIT. As a counterbalance against rule #2, keep in mind that different people are creeped out by different things, and suspension of disbelief helps the atmosphere. Just downvote and move on, or upstage them by submitting something even creepier. You'll notice the loudest complainers never actually submit anything good themselves. The health of any subreddit depends on users like you submitting quality content, and the community voting wisely. You will likely be banned for complaining about submissions not being creepy, length up to mod discretion. Repeat offenders, those that operate without regard to sidebar rules will be banned indefinitely.
* No complaining about reposts. Downvote if you don't like it and move on.
3. No pictures of costumes, makeup, or supposedly creepy children's art without approval from the moderation team. As these things can be hard to judge objectively, it is preferred to leave them out of the subreddit without prior expressed approval. In addition, please refrain from posting ads or advert-like posts without express moderation staff approval.
4. No image macro memes, celebrity gossip, animal abuse, religious drama, or excessively political discussions. No reposts less than a year old.
5. If your submission is NSFW, use the NSFW tag. If your submission is just gore without a creepy context, please take it to /r/gore instead.
6. No imgur gallery links! Instead, use direct imgur image links or album links ( or instead of, for example) as they're easier for mobile and RES users to open.
7. No Comment Spam. Take the I took an arrow to the knee or hell in a cell comments elsewhere.
- If you see a rules violation, please message the mods and we'll look into it as soon as possible. Please include a link of the
comment or submission in question, as this makes it much easier for
the moderation team to correct the violation.
List of creepy movies compiled by AskingVikas
Other creepy subreddits.
*The moderators of /r/Creepy reserve the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. Thank you for your understanding.