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Get started with Collections

Make it easy to find the posts you and others want to see with Collections in Google+. For instance, you can create:

  • Collections for sports, recipes, or other interests that the public can see
  • A Collection for personal photos and updates that only certain people can see

How Collections work

What happens when you create a Collection

When you create a Collection, you can:

What happens when someone follows your Collection

When someone follows your Collection, they can:

  • See posts you make in that Collection in their home stream
  • Choose whether to get notifications about that Collection
  • Unfollow your Collection at any time

What happens when you follow a Collection

When you follow a Collection, you can:

  • See posts made in that Collection in your home stream
  • Choose whether to get notifications about that Collection
  • Unfollow that Collection at any time

Note: When you follow a Collection, others who can see the Collection will see that you follow it.

How Collections are different from Communities

You can follow a Collection or join a Community. Both let you keep up with your interests.


  • Just one person creates and manages a Collection, and only that person can post to that Collection.
  • You can follow someone else's Collection to see what they share, but you can't share posts into someone else’s Collection.


  • Communities can have more than one owner and moderator, and other people can join.
  • When you're a member of a Community, you can post to that Community. Members of that Community may see your posts in their home stream.
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