
January 21, 2013No Comments

Viral love diary of mistress ends career of Yi Junqing, senior propaganda official

Five weeks after a lengthy chronicle of his sexual encounters with a woman went viral on the Chinese Internet, Yi Junqing, a high-ranking official, was fired for “improper lifestyle,” according to a terse news dispatch from the state-run Xinhua News Agency on January 17. Yi Junqing, director of the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau, has [...]

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December 13, 201232 Comments

‘The most corrupt country is America,’ Jackie Chan’s comments widely panned in China

In a talk show aired on Hong Kong-based Phoenix TV Monday, Jackie Chan, the world-famous actor and show-biz star, said that China is not the country with the most serious corruption problem; the United States is. He also called on Chinese people to refrain from criticizing the China, especially in front of “outsiders”.  The remarks [...]

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November 25, 20123 Comments

Sex tape official sacked; mistress was offered as a bribe; Wang Lijun, Bo Xilai involved?

The hideous sex tape scandal involving a Chongqing official and his mistress turns out to be a small tip of the iceberg. A local construction company bribed Lei Zhengfu, among other officials in Chongqing, with young attractive women. Then Chongqing police chief Wang Lijun might have suppressed its information to protect them. On November 23, 63 hours after the sex tape scandal was exposed, Lei was deposed and handed over to the police.

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November 21, 20123 Comments

Chengguan officer taking huge bribes says he was too afraid to turn them down

Source: Southern Weekend The head of a local urban management team in the southern city of Guangzhou has been detained on allegations of accepting multimillion-yuan bribes. At court on November 15, he said that he did not dare turn down the bribes for fear of offending some people. He also blamed the system for nourishing [...]

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November 19, 2012One Comment

5 homeless children in SW China die from hiding in trash bin to get warm

From NetEase and Sina Five boys were found dead inside roadside waste bins in Bijie, southwestern China’s Guizhou province, on the morning of November 16. Police investigation is under way. So far, the five boys have not been identified, but the preliminary result shows the boys may have been killed by CO gas poisoning after [...]

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November 14, 20129 Comments

‘Party members get girls easily,’ memorable moments at 18th party congress

It is widely understood that the 18th National Party Congress of the Communist Party, except for the closing ceremony where the new lineup of Chinese leadership will take the stage, is nothing but carefully staged show with no substance. But some outright lies, shameless tributes and histrionic playacting may make you laugh and give you [...]

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November 5, 2012No Comments

Chinese netizens feel ‘sorry’ for 18th Party Congress of Kuomintang in Taiwan

Just when we thought Chinese netizens may have whined enough about how the upcoming 18th Chinese Communist Party Congress, set to begin on November 8, is a sheer waste of manpower and money that inconveniences people’s normal life for nothing, a series of pictures taken during the 18th National Congress of Kuomintang, or the Nationalist [...]

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October 10, 20125 Comments

Hundreds of thousands of newspapers ordered to be destroyed in cover-up of corruption claim

A government official in Fujian province used his political clout to prevent hundreds of thousands of copies of a newspaper that portrays him in a bad light from hitting the market a thousand miles away. The magnitude of the censorship effort has been exposed on Chinese social media by renowned investigative journalists and astounded netizens [...]

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October 3, 20122 Comments

Retired official who reported corruption died suspiciously

Photos and comments from NetEase, story from Shangdu A retired official in south China was found dead in a bathroom while he was held in detention on September 26. The authorities announced it was a suicide and tried to cremate his body immediately, but his family thought otherwise. Wang Zhongping, 60, was the chief director [...]

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September 4, 2012One Comment

3,000 children back to school with chairs and desks from home

From NetEase In China, September 1 is a typical back-to-school day and also time for parents to prepare school supplies for their children. In Shunhe county under the city of Macheng, Hubei province, one part of preparation of key importance is find passable desks and chairs at home and let their kids bring them to [...]

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August 28, 20126 Comments

Official caught smiling at deadly bus crash scene enrages internet vigilantes

Photos of a government official beaming at his colleagues at the scene of a road accident, in which 36 people were burned to death, have been circulating on the Chinese social media sites. Netizens set human flesh search engine in motion and soon found that the official has expensive taste for luxury watches. A long-distance [...]

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August 28, 2012One Comment

George W. Bush’s brother jokes about joining Communist Party; netizens react

From Sina Weibo Neil Bush, younger brother of the former U.S. president, started using Sina Weibo, China’s hugely popular microblogging service in September, 2011. Despite having 120,000 followers, Mr. Bush attracted most of their attention only for his pedigree and was living in the shadow of his famous father and brother. That is, until he [...]

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May 16, 20124 Comments

72.7% of Chinese are satisfied with crackdown on corruption? Netizens: ‘My @ss!’

From Sina NetEase 72.2 percent of Chinese are satisfied with China’s anti-corruption work in 2011, compared with only 51.9 percent in 2003, said Cui Hairong, deputy director of China’s National Bureau of Corruption Prevention at an international conference hosted by Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption. The news met with unanimous derision, sarcasm and outrage [...]

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February 28, 2012One Comment


The devil is in the details; extravagance is in the details of a bullet train. 1,125-yuan toilet paper holder, 2,294-yuan foot-rest, flush toilet priced at nearly 100,000 yuan…An investigation report by New Century Weekly has unveiled overpriced parts one after another, and a bullet train that costs money like dirt. Behind these are “gray” budget [...]

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November 21, 201110 Comments

Photos: Comparing China and Other Countries

From Sina Weibo: Recently a collection of photographs that shows how some aspects of Chinese people’s lives differ from those of people in some other countries, mainly the U.S., has gone viral on the Internet. A comparison of school buses in China and in the U.S. In the wake of a deadly school bus crash [...]

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September 20, 20119 Comments

Chinese watch buff becomes corrupt officials’ pet peeve by practicing hobby: watch-spotting

From Southern Weekend Recently, a microblogger, who goes by the name, “huaguoshan zongshuji” (花果山总书记, literally, General Secretary of Huaguo Mountain) has drawn national attention and made his mark on the Internet. A connoisseur of timepieces, he combs the vast sea of information online for pictures of Chinese officials wearing wristwatches, recognizes the brands and models, [...]

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July 30, 20113 Comments

MV: Chinese netizen sings Cui Jian’s “Nothing to My Name” to mourn 7.23 train crash victims

After a deadly bullet train crash in Wenzhou, southern Zhejiang took place on the evening of July 23, the Chinese government and the Communist Party came under public opprobrium for their previous confidence in Chinese railway system, which now proves to be problematic and even dangerous, and their rescue and investigation effort, or lack thereof, after the [...]

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April 18, 20113 Comments

Shanghai Red Cross caught lavishing money on feast; netizens boycott Red Cross

From IFENG A lunch that costs 9,858 yuan, or $1520, is undoubtedly an extravagance. It inevitably turns into a scandal if the lunch expense is reimbursed with public funds with no specified reason. On April 15, a net user uploaded a picture of an invoice, which shows that Red Cross Society of Shanghai’s Luwan District [...]

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April 12, 2011No Comments

China’s state-owned oil company squanders million on alcohol

Gas price has been skyrocketing for the past few years. Chinese car owners are burdened with unreasonably high expenses, even higher than what their American counterparts pay, despite having much less disposable income on average. But China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Limited, or Sinopec, has often claimed they are not at a profit, which becomes [...]

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March 25, 20113 Comments

Corruption shields killer driver after he crushed victim multiple times to death

Below is a web article posted by a young man from Xinhua, Hunan province, whose mother was allegedly brutally murdered by a construction company driver who hit her. The crime has been covered up by the local police and officials that are in cahoots with the powerful construction company. The article has caught massive attention [...]

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