
Picabia’s Big Moment

Francis Picabia: Our Heads Are Round So Our Thoughts Can Change Direction an exhibition at the Kunsthaus Zürich, June 3–September 25, 2016; and the Museum of Modern Art, New York City, November 20, 2016–March 19, 2017

The Sea Swallows People

Fire at Sea a film by Gianfranco Rosi

All at Sea: The Policy Challenges of Rescue, Interception, and Long-Term Response to Maritime Migration by Kathleen Newland, with Elizabeth Collett, Kate Hooper, and Sarah Flamm

Cast Away: True Stories of Survival from Europe’s Refugee Crisis by Charlotte McDonald-Gibson

Scholars Behind Bars

College in Prison: Reading in an Age of Mass Incarceration by Daniel Karpowitz

Liberating Minds: The Case for College in Prison by Ellen Condliffe Lagemann

Notes from the Field a one-woman show written and performed by Anna Deavere Smith and directed by Leonard Foglia


Roger Alcaly is a hedge fund manager and author of The New Economy. (February 2017)

David Cole is the National Legal Director of the ACLU and the Honorable George J. Mitchell Professor in Law and Public Policy at the Georgetown University Law Center.
 (February 2017)

Frederick C. Crews’s new book, Freud: The Making of an Illusion, will be published in the fall.
 (February 2017)

Jason DeParle, a reporter for The New York Times and an Emerson Fellow at New America, is writing a book about a family of immigrants.
 (February 2017)

James Fenton is a British poet and literary critic. From 1994 until 1999, he was Oxford Professor of Poetry; in 2015 he was awarded the PEN Pinter Prize. He lived in the Philippines from 1986 until 1989 and has previously written about the country for The New York Review.
 (February 2017)

Ian Frazier is the author of eleven books, including Great Plains, Family, On the Rez, and, most recently, Hogs Wild: ­Selected Reporting Pieces. (February 2017)

Charles Glass is a former ABC News Chief Middle East Correspondent. He is the author, most recently, of Syria Burning: ISIS and the Death of the Arab Spring. (February 2017)

Stephen Greenblatt is Cogan University Professor of the Humanities at Harvard. He is the General Editor of The ­Norton Shakespeare and the author of Will in the World: How ­Shakespeare Became Shakespeare.
 (February 2017)

Diane Johnson is a novelist and critic. She is the author of Lulu in Marrakech and Le Divorce, among other novels, and a memoir, Flyover Lives.
 (February 2017)

Jackson Lears is Board of Governors Distinguished Professor of History at Rutgers and the Editor in Chief of Raritan. He is the author of Rebirth of a Nation: The Making of Modern America, 1877–1920, among other books.
 (February 2017)

Phillip Lopate’s most recent book, A Mother’s Tale, was published in January. He is the Director of the nonfiction writing program at Columbia. (February 2017)

Geoffrey O’Brien is Editor in Chief of the Library of America. He is the author of The Phantom Empire and Stolen Glimpses, Captive Shadows: Writing on Film, 2002–2012, among other books. (February 2017)

Sanford Schwartz is the author of Christen Købke and William Nicholson. (February 2017)

Charles Simic has been Poet Laureate of the United States. His most recent books are The Lunatic, a volume of poetry, and The Life of Images, a book of his selected prose.
 (February 2017)

Alice Spawls is an editor at the London Review of Books.

Helen Vendler is the Arthur Kingsley Porter University Professor in the Department of English at Harvard. Her latest book is The Ocean, the Bird, and the Scholar, a collection of her most recent essays.
 (February 2017)

Jonathan Zimmerman is Professor of History of ­Education at the University of Pennsylvania. His most recent book is Campus Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know. (February 2017)