- published: 24 Mar 2015
- views: 4865769
World Press Review (Worldpress.org) is an independent, nonpartisan New York based magazine founded in 1974 and initially published by Stanley Foundation and Teri Schure, with an online edition which was launched in 1997.
The headquarters of the magazine is in Farmingdale, New York. The monthly magazine which had a circulation of 50,000 stopped publication of its print version on its 30th anniversary in April 2004 with withdrawal of Stanley Foundation and instead put its focus on the electronic version.
Worldpress.org publishes originally written articles and analysis on various world issues from environment and human rights to regional politics and armed conflicts, as well as reprinted material from the press outside the United States. The magazine describes its mission as "to foster the international exchange of perspectives and information."
According to its editorial guideline, Worldpress.org mostly focuses on the issues which are barely reflected in the mainstream press, translating, reprinting, analyzing, and contextualizing what it evaluates as "the best of the international press" from more than 20 languages. For its originally written material, World Press relies on its web of freelancers from approximately 40 countries.
World Press Photo (WPP) is an independent, non-profit organization based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Founded in 1955 the organization is known for holding the world's largest and most prestigious annual press photography contest. Since 2011, World Press Photo has also organized a separate annual contest for journalistic multimedia productions, and, in association with Human Rights Watch, the annual Tim Hetherington Grant.
The awards ceremony is held in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam. After the contest, the prizewinning photographs are assembled into a traveling exhibition that is visited by over a million people in 40 countries. A yearbook presenting all prizewinning entries is published annually in six languages.
In addition to selecting the World Press Photo of the Year, the contest determines winners in the following categories:
Another primary objective of the organization is to support professional photojournalism on a wide international scale through the World Press Photo Academy. It aims to stimulate developments in photojournalism, encourage the transfer of knowledge, help develop high professional standards in visual journalism and promote a free and unrestricted exchange of information. It organizes a number of educational projects throughout the world: seminars, workshops and the annual Joop Swart Masterclass.
World is a common name for the whole of human civilization, specifically human experience, history, or the human condition in general, worldwide, i.e. anywhere on Earth or pertaining to anywhere on Earth.
In a philosophical context it may refer to:
In a theological context, world usually refers to the material or the profane sphere, as opposed to the celestial, spiritual, transcendent or sacred. The "end of the world" refers to scenarios of the final end of human history, often in religious contexts.
World history is commonly understood as spanning the major geopolitical developments of about five millennia, from the first civilizations to the present.
World population is the sum of all human populations at any time; similarly, world economy is the sum of the economies of all societies (all countries), especially in the context of globalization. Terms like world championship, gross world product, world flags etc. also imply the sum or combination of all current-day sovereign states.
A film festival is an organized, extended presentation of films in one or more cinemas or screening venues, usually in a single city or region. Increasingly, film festivals show some films outdoors. Films may be of recent date and, depending upon the festival's focus, can include international and domestic releases. Some festivals focus on a specific film-maker or genre (e.g., film noir) or subject matter (e.g., horror film festivals). A number of film festivals specialise in short films of a defined maximum length. Film festivals are typically annual events. Some film historians do not consider Film Festivals as official releases of film, like Jerry Beck. The best known film festivals are the Venice Film Festival, the Cannes Film Festival, the Toronto Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival, and the Berlin International Film Festival, the latter being the largest film festival worldwide, based on attendance. The Venice Film Festival is the oldest major festival. The Melbourne International Film Festival is the largest film festival in the Southern Hemisphere and one of the oldest in the world. A 2013 study found 3,000 active films festivals worldwide—active defined as having held an event in the previous 24 months.
Press may refer to:
How To Make a WordPress Website - 2015
World Press Photo Contest Winners 2016
World Press photo 1955 to 2009 HD
World Press Photo Of The Year 2014
Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them WORLD PRESS CONFERENCE
Winnaar World Press Photo: “Ik wist meteen, dit is historisch" - RTL LATE NIGHT
AP's Burhan Ozbilici wins World Press Photo competition
World Press Photos of the Year (1955-2008)
Imágenes destacadas de los Premios World Press Photo 2017 - Despierta con Loret
World Press Photo 16 Barcelona #veureientendre
Interview with World Press Photo 16 year winner Warren Richardson
Dit zijn de winnaars van World Press Photo 2017
World Press Photo - Film EN
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Photo Credits: World Press Photo Contest 2016 Music Credits: Requiem for a Dream, Marion Barfs - Clint Mansell Blog: https://photoandjournalism.wordpress.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PhotoandJour... Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhotoandJournal/ Email: info.photoandjournalism@gmail.com
World Press photo with titels and descriptions of the amazing photos! Learn more about the 50 photos who changed the world! I hope you'll enjoy this! I do not own any materials in this video. This includes the pictures, video clips, and audio. All materials are the copyrighted properties of their respected owners.
Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them full World Press Conference cast interviews with Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Alison Sudol, Dan Fogler, Ezra Miller, J.K. Rowling, David Yates, David Heyman. Subscribe for more! ► http://bit.ly/FlicksSubscribe Playlists You Might Like: Amazing Movie & TV Facts ► http://bit.ly/ThingsYouDidntKnowVideos Easter Eggs ► http://bit.ly/EasterEggVideos Movie Deleted Scenes & Rejected Concepts ► http://bit.ly/MovieDeletedScenes Reviews ► http://bit.ly/FlicksMovieTVReviews Disney Animation ► http://bit.ly/DisneyAnimationVideos Pixar ► http://bit.ly/PixarVideos Marvel ► http://bit.ly/MarvelVideos DC ► http://bit.ly/DCVideos Fox Marvel Movies ► http://bit.ly/FoxMarvelVideos Star Wars ► http://bit.ly/StarWarsVids Game of Thrones ► http://bit.ly/GameOfThro...
Met zijn foto van de moord op een Russische ambassadeur won de Turkse fotograaf Burhan Ozbilici de World Press Photo 2016. Aan tafel bij RTL Late Night blikt hij terug op het moment waarop hij oog in oog stond met de dader. Abonneer je via http://bit.ly/1A3ps7g voor het beste van RTL Late Night! Bekijk de hele aflevering op: http://www.rtlxl.nl/#!/gemist/rtl-late-night-301978 Website : http://www.rtllatenight.nl Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/rtllatenight Twitter : https://twitter.com/rtllatenight Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rtllatenight/ Nieuwsbrief : http://www.rtl.nl/service/xl/nieuwsbrief/ In deze video: Humberto Tan
When an off-duty policeman shot Russia's ambassador to Turkey in front of a stunned crowd in Ankara last year, veteran Associated Press photographer Burhan Ozbilici stood his ground and kept taking pictures. He has now won the top prize for the world's best press photos of 2016. Al Jazeera’s Jessica Baldwin reports from Amsterdam. - Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe - Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish - Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera - Check our website: http://www.aljazeera.com/
This video is a collaboration of the World Press Photos of the Year. It contains 50 photographs as no awards were given in 1959, 1961, or 1970. Some pictures are accompanied with videos of the event taking place. Below is the list of photos including the year, photographer, nationality of the photographer, and a description of the photo. First song: Tell Them That Shes Not Scared by: Envy on the Coast Second song: Forever by: Edguy (This song was not my first choice for the video, I thought it was a bit too metaly, but it was good with the time, and the chorus fits amazingly well with the Tiananmen Square video footage). I do not own any materials in this video. This includes the pictures, video clips, and audio. All materials are the copyrighted properties of their respected...
El fotoperiodista Ulises Castellanos habla de las imágenes más destacadas de los Premios World Press Photo 2017. Suscríbete aquí: http://bit.ly/2aXfDay Síguenos también en: Facebook: http://bit.ly/2faLJ2A Twitter: http://bit.ly/2fyP1cY Instagram: http://bit.ly/2fUXzPR Medium: http://bit.ly/2faPjtw Google+: http://bit.ly/2b6T1Al
• WPP: http://bit.ly/2kBPLRN • IlPost: http://bit.ly/2lHlbqG ► Supporta il Canale con una donazione: http://bit.ly/DonazioniFIP ► Acquisti un prodotto su AMAZON? Se lo fai passando tramite questo Link puoi offrirmi, gratuitamente e senza alcuna spesa aggiuntiva, un caffè! http://amzn.to/28SJlXP ► Forum Ufficiale di Fotografia in Pillole: https://www.fotografiainpillole.it/ __ ► INSTAGRAM: MirkoErrigo - http://bit.ly/1MGULK3 ► FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1V4WhOJ ► SITO: http://www.mirkoerrigo.it ► CANALE NEWS TELEGRAM: @FotografiaInPillole (Link: http://bit.ly/1QYXoNN)
Sota el lema “Veure i entendre”, l’exposició World Press Photo arriba a Barcelona. La mostra, que reuneix 155 fotografies i els treballs multimèdia guanyadors del concurs internacional, es pot veure del 10 de novembre al 11 de desembre de 2016 al Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, CCCB.
Right after a 2-month hike from Budapest to Amsterdam, year winner Warren Richardson walks into De Nieuwe Kerk to view the World Press Photo exhibition.
De winnaars van de World Press Photo 2017 zijn bekend. Maar wat zien we eigenlijk? Kunstredacteur Arno Haijtema legt uit.
Discussions about enlarging press access to the white house is being portrayed as press restriction. But it is really opening up the process in the same way that globalist trade cartels losing control opens up the market place for other businesses that have been locked out by “open trade”. © The Alex Jones Show Copyright 1995- 2016 All Rights Reserved. Credit to videezy for backgrounds. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones Like Alex on FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderEmerickJones Infowars on G+ - https://plus.google.com/+infowars/ :Web: http://www.infowars...
A selection of winning images from the 2016 World Press Photo Contest. Visit http://www.worldpressphoto.org/collection/photo/2016 to see more.
Get biggest discount on hostgator: http://goo.gl/ypNeFB Learn how to create a website step by step with no step skipped. Why make your website just ok, when you can have an extraordinary WordPress website? This is the best I have ever done and I will show you how in under 3 hours. http://tyler.com/2015/create-a-wordpress-website-2015/ Download Theme: https://s3.amazonaws.com/tesseracttheme/TESSERACT.zip Download Images: https://s3.amazonaws.com/tylers/Content-2015.zip Introduction Introduction 00:00:00 Overview & Costs 00:04:18 Get Domain Name & Hosting Get Hosting & Domain Name 00:06:13 Get 35% Discount enter THIRTYFIVE 00:09:15 Install WordPress 00:10:41 Create Your Website Login To WordPress 00:14:52 Change Password 00:15:47 Update WordPress 00:16:57 Uninstall Unnecessary Plu...
Photo Credits: World Press Photo Contest 2016 Music Credits: Requiem for a Dream, Marion Barfs - Clint Mansell Blog: https://photoandjournalism.wordpress.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PhotoandJour... Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhotoandJournal/ Email: info.photoandjournalism@gmail.com
World Press photo with titels and descriptions of the amazing photos! Learn more about the 50 photos who changed the world! I hope you'll enjoy this! I do not own any materials in this video. This includes the pictures, video clips, and audio. All materials are the copyrighted properties of their respected owners.
Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them full World Press Conference cast interviews with Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Alison Sudol, Dan Fogler, Ezra Miller, J.K. Rowling, David Yates, David Heyman. Subscribe for more! ► http://bit.ly/FlicksSubscribe Playlists You Might Like: Amazing Movie & TV Facts ► http://bit.ly/ThingsYouDidntKnowVideos Easter Eggs ► http://bit.ly/EasterEggVideos Movie Deleted Scenes & Rejected Concepts ► http://bit.ly/MovieDeletedScenes Reviews ► http://bit.ly/FlicksMovieTVReviews Disney Animation ► http://bit.ly/DisneyAnimationVideos Pixar ► http://bit.ly/PixarVideos Marvel ► http://bit.ly/MarvelVideos DC ► http://bit.ly/DCVideos Fox Marvel Movies ► http://bit.ly/FoxMarvelVideos Star Wars ► http://bit.ly/StarWarsVids Game of Thrones ► http://bit.ly/GameOfThro...
Met zijn foto van de moord op een Russische ambassadeur won de Turkse fotograaf Burhan Ozbilici de World Press Photo 2016. Aan tafel bij RTL Late Night blikt hij terug op het moment waarop hij oog in oog stond met de dader. Abonneer je via http://bit.ly/1A3ps7g voor het beste van RTL Late Night! Bekijk de hele aflevering op: http://www.rtlxl.nl/#!/gemist/rtl-late-night-301978 Website : http://www.rtllatenight.nl Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/rtllatenight Twitter : https://twitter.com/rtllatenight Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rtllatenight/ Nieuwsbrief : http://www.rtl.nl/service/xl/nieuwsbrief/ In deze video: Humberto Tan
When an off-duty policeman shot Russia's ambassador to Turkey in front of a stunned crowd in Ankara last year, veteran Associated Press photographer Burhan Ozbilici stood his ground and kept taking pictures. He has now won the top prize for the world's best press photos of 2016. Al Jazeera’s Jessica Baldwin reports from Amsterdam. - Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe - Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish - Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera - Check our website: http://www.aljazeera.com/
This video is a collaboration of the World Press Photos of the Year. It contains 50 photographs as no awards were given in 1959, 1961, or 1970. Some pictures are accompanied with videos of the event taking place. Below is the list of photos including the year, photographer, nationality of the photographer, and a description of the photo. First song: Tell Them That Shes Not Scared by: Envy on the Coast Second song: Forever by: Edguy (This song was not my first choice for the video, I thought it was a bit too metaly, but it was good with the time, and the chorus fits amazingly well with the Tiananmen Square video footage). I do not own any materials in this video. This includes the pictures, video clips, and audio. All materials are the copyrighted properties of their respected...
El fotoperiodista Ulises Castellanos habla de las imágenes más destacadas de los Premios World Press Photo 2017. Suscríbete aquí: http://bit.ly/2aXfDay Síguenos también en: Facebook: http://bit.ly/2faLJ2A Twitter: http://bit.ly/2fyP1cY Instagram: http://bit.ly/2fUXzPR Medium: http://bit.ly/2faPjtw Google+: http://bit.ly/2b6T1Al
• WPP: http://bit.ly/2kBPLRN • IlPost: http://bit.ly/2lHlbqG ► Supporta il Canale con una donazione: http://bit.ly/DonazioniFIP ► Acquisti un prodotto su AMAZON? Se lo fai passando tramite questo Link puoi offrirmi, gratuitamente e senza alcuna spesa aggiuntiva, un caffè! http://amzn.to/28SJlXP ► Forum Ufficiale di Fotografia in Pillole: https://www.fotografiainpillole.it/ __ ► INSTAGRAM: MirkoErrigo - http://bit.ly/1MGULK3 ► FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1V4WhOJ ► SITO: http://www.mirkoerrigo.it ► CANALE NEWS TELEGRAM: @FotografiaInPillole (Link: http://bit.ly/1QYXoNN)
Reading a newspaper opens another world. As if cold printing ink flows through your veins. But in fact hardly any news has an impact on our life. Created within the context of a animation filmmaking course at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. Concept/Camera: Denis Krez & Marc Donaubauer Visual Effects: Denis Krez Producer: Marc Donaubauer Camera: Sony F55 Software: Nuke, Houdini, Maya, ZBrush, PfTrack, Photoshop, Davinci Resolve
James Brown is a force of nature, a gift from heaven.He invented funk, but it was a symbol of freedom and success for millions of black American in combat for their civic rights, who saw him as a source of hope and pride. I tried to describe the richness of his life. For this year’s Music Video Challenge, Saatchi & Saatchi in association with Universal Music Enterprises, the James Brown Estate, BUG and Genero.tv bringing together fresh filmmaking talent and iconic music with songs by the legendary James Brown. The 2012 Challenge was in celebration of the James Brown catalogue being re-released on iTunes in May, and the re-issuing of the classic James Brown Live at the Apollo album later this year. This is the director's cut version of the video music of James Brown - It's Man's Man's M...
Read the profile: http://to.pbs.org/fudCZe Photographer John Moore is no stranger to combat. As a member of an Associated Press team in 2005, he shared a Pulitzer Prize for breaking news photography for coverage of the war in Iraq and he's done extended stints in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, South Africa, Mexico and Nicaragua and elsewhere in the last 20 years. Yet despite his relative comfort with being on the frontlines, Moore told the NewsHour from his hotel room in Cairo that his latest assignment -a six-week trip that took him to the uprisings in Egypt, Bahrain and Libya - might have been his most dangerous. Moore recorded the interview for us after sneaking out of Benghazi, Libya en route back to his home in Denver.
PromaxBDA Arabia 2012 winner - Silver Award for Best Programme Title Sequence The title sequence created for World Press was done in a manner that readily conveys the show’s content to the viewer. Iconic buildings from around the world were used, each building being built out of newspapers representing different regions around the world. The title sequence for each episode in this series is individual in that each one ends with the specific region or country being covered in the episode about to air. For example, the video here is for the episode covering what’s in the press in London. Concept and Graphics Animation by Haider Najeeb
Follow on: https://facebook.com/TSOphotography for more photos, videos and updates. This was filmed between 4th and 11th April 2011. I had the pleasure of visiting El Teide. Spain´s highest mountain @(3718m) is one of the best places in the world to photograph the stars and is also the location of Teide Observatories, considered to be one of the world´s best observatories. The goal was to capture the beautiful Milky Way galaxy along with one of the most amazing mountains I know El Teide. I have to say this was one of the most exhausting trips I have done. There was a lot of hiking at high altitudes and probably less than 10 hours of sleep in total for the whole week. Having been here 10-11 times before I had a long list of must-see locations I wanted to capture for this movie, but I a...
Steve McCurry is the recipient of the 2011 Leica Hall of Fame award. The prize is awarded to photographers who have rendered outstanding service to the Leica brand and to the genre of photography. For more than three decades, 61-year-old McCurry has been on the road as a documentary photographer at the world’s trouble spots and has obtained many awards for his work. Since 1986, Steve McCurry has been a member of Magnum Photos, the renowned photographic agency. Music: Adagio for Strings Composed by Samuel Barber Copyright © 1939 G. Schirmer, Inc. (ASCAP) International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.
Directed by Rafael Mathé and Etienne Larragueta 21 minutes - 2013 In a close future, a private company developed a technology aimed at boosting our brain capacity. But it requires from its clients to store their memory data on one single server. In this highly controlled world, a young woman has the power to change things. FESTIVAL SELECTIONS Split Film Festival, 27th EMAF European media and art Festival, 24fps International Short Film Festival, FERATUM Festival Internacional De Cine Fantstico, Terror y SCI-FI, The Philip K. Dick European Science Fiction Film festival. OTHERS SCREANING Cinémathèque Française in Paris, La Femis's thesis films. Press: The short of the week: http://www.shortoftheweek.com/2014/10/09/hello-world/ Les Inrocks: http://www.lesinrocks.com/lesinrockslab/news/201...
Freeport, Grand Bahama Island - On November 12th, just three days after the fatal plane crash, the family of Dr. Myles and Pastor Ruth Munroe held a press conference in the ballroom at the Grand Lucayan Hotel. Press were asked to decline from questioning in light of the difficult loss they have endured. Giving welcome remarks was Jerome Edmonson. He then introduced the son of Rev. Munroe, Chairo (Myles Jr.) who read a statement surrounded by his family. Later Jamaican minister, Dr Peter Morgan, President of the International Third World Leaders Association gave some words. "We are not sure how or why, something like this would be allowed to happen to such great individuals, but still, God is in control. The past few days have been the most difficult times for my sister and I, my fam...
An award-winning street photographer who has been creating memorable images in the great photojournalistic tradition since 1962, Joel Meyerowitz pioneered the use of color in this slice of life genre, and his classic book on Cape Cod, “Cape Light” was instrumental in changing the prevailing dismissive attitudes toward color photography. Within a few days of the 9/11 attacks on The World Trade Center, Meyerowitz began to create an archive of the destruction and recovery at Ground Zero that consists of over 8,000 images of the aftermath of the tragedy. In this latest Leica Portrait video, Joel shares the story of his transition from junior art director to legendary photographer. Read our interview with Joel on the Leica Camera blog: http://bit.ly/HOOADs Shot and Edited by Trevor Bayack Vid...
The Washington Colonels' coach sits down for a press conference after his team loses their 125th game in a row. Featuring - Rob Riggle (Daily Show with Jon Stewart) and Donald Glover (Derrick, Mystery Team) This episode was nominated for two webby awards. One for Best Writing and one of Best Comedic Short Film.
world press freedom day
Watch the UFC 189 World Tour press conference live Friday, March 20 at 1pm/10am ETPT.
Watch the UFC 189 World Tour press conference in Dublin, Ireland, live Tuesday, March 31 at 1pm/10am ETPT.
Siguen el streaming desde el studio de World Press Radio. http://worldpressradio.com