Grandpa watches grandson score first goal and lets in the feels by GallowBoob in gifs

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hell yeah! Making it to the stanley cup! I was so crushed when they lost in game 7

What television series ended EXACTLY when it should have? by SharkGenie in AskReddit

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I still loved seeing more of the characters, so I don't think season 7 was one season too long. Plus it wrapped up every character pretty well. I think it was pretty solid

this really trumped my donald by Propepriph in ComedyCemetery

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Lol why are you Trumpsters so angry all the time? And when did I say I didn't agree with any of those things? Just because I said something negative about trump doesn't mean I automatically love the other side.

But you did say some fucking retarded things, so I'll go one by one.

How about the government covertly spying on us through various electronic means like Big Brother? Did that very much remind you of a parallel?

Yup. And you can thank the Patriot Act for that, courtesy of republicans.

How about the media hurrying out false reports of Trump supporters abusing people or property to propagate a climate of division and fear (which turn out to be fabricated)? Does that very much remind you of a parallel?

I agree some shittier news publishers do this consistently. But you Trump fans just hate the mainstream media because they say negative things about Trump, and in your eyes Trump can never do anything wrong, so those are all lies. Also, give me sources that aren't Breitbart and I'll be more inclined to be sympathetic.

How about the head of the government covertly using national intelligence to spy on a political rival, while having the media at your back to label the accusation lies? Does that very much remind you of a parallel?

Presidents literally can not order a wiretap on somebody. And Trump already backpedaled on that statement because he realized he was a fucking idiot and that kind of false claim could make him look pretty bad.

How about the news media pushing its narratives instead of reporting on news in a factual manner?

I think you're confusing facts with narrative again. Trump lies a metric fuck ton, and the press reports on that. He also does some really stupid things, and the press reports on that. Maybe if you dumb fucks could ever admit that Trump has lied, or that he's messed up even ONCE, I could respect you. But you never do. He's all-knowing and flawless in your eyes.

How about publications going back and changing their headlines, or manipulating photographs before publication? Does that very much remind you of obvious parallels?


Youre the type of person that in thirty years, if you have grandchildren, will lie with a straight face to them when asked, 'Oh yes, I totally supported Donald Trump when he was president'.

HAHA! That's the funniest thing I've read today. Thanks for that.

Even if SOMEHOW Trump was a good or even acceptable president, I wouldn't lie about it. I'd be a moral human and tell the truth, unlike your god-emperor.

Have fun telling your grandchildren about how you were stupid enough to vote for a fucking immoral four year old for president and somehow won.

Are there any pictures from the PULSE shooting? by CameraDude718 in CrimeScene

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Same guy just replied to one of my posts with one of the most asanine posts I've read so I'm going through all his comments to see if he really is as much of an asshole as it seems. Turns out he is

Are there any pictures from the PULSE shooting? by CameraDude718 in CrimeScene

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 1 point2 points  (0 children)

dumbfucks like this guy will never understand common sense like that. They refuse to accept that people are different than them.

Also know I'm super late to be commenting on this thread, lol.

Dear Trump Supporters: A Question from An Indigenous American by RaelyBae in AskThe_Donald

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Nah most of them are. Sorry that that guy's a fucking idiot with no empathy

this really trumped my donald by Propepriph in ComedyCemetery

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 69 points70 points  (0 children)

Obviously nobody is saying we're as bad as that, but you can't deny some obvious parallels. Trump saying that everything negative about him is 'fake news' very much reminded me of 1984, for one.

Searching for the next iPhone makes Samsung worried about you by pr3dato8 in funny

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 7 points8 points  (0 children)

The whole bendgate scandal was stupid as hell anyway. Of course if you put your big ass thin phone in your back pocket and sit on it it's going to bend you idiots. (You referring to the general person)

Grandpa watches grandson score first goal and lets in the feels by GallowBoob in gifs

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 14 points15 points  (0 children)

** every year for the past decade

They're my team but damn I wish they were better

HD Night Vision camera by IHaeTypos in gifs

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I really need to get an external shutter, unfortunately I don't think the T3i supports Bluetooth.

But yeah definitely agreed. When there's a lot of light it can get some really good stuff, but indoor low lighting or exterior at night, you're screwed

I'm a SJW feminazi trying to destroy the game industry and kill all whites AMA by Rockworm503 in Gamingcirclejerk

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Why do you hate straight white men so much? I'm a straight white men and it offends me that people don't give me as much attention now

Umpire having some fun (x-post /r/wholesomegifs) by guygoald in funny

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ahhh watching him the whole time made me so happy. He looks like such a nice dude

Little Rock ranked "Most Dangerous Small City" in U.S. by MrSteeve in Arkansas

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 1 point2 points  (0 children)

What a coincidence! I'm from the Aurora area and moved to the Little Rock area (technically maumelle). But god damn do I want to move back to CO

HD Night Vision camera by IHaeTypos in gifs

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Very tempting... even just to have it to use just in low light situations. I have a T3i which is pretty solid but it is fucking useless in low light

HD Night Vision camera by IHaeTypos in gifs

[–]imnotquitedeadyet 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm seeing some for only $2,200! Not bad at all really. But that's body only, and two good lenses would probably double that price...

The truth about Islamophobia by anthero in sjwhate

[–]imnotquitedeadyet -15 points-14 points  (0 children)

Except lots of mass shootings in America (and at least one big one in Canada) recently have been by white christian men.