Speeding on a motorcycle in the freeway with your face down, WCGW? by investigator919 in Whatcouldgowrong

[–]6chan 19 points20 points  (0 children)

The number of two-wheelers that I've seen driving way over the speed limits is crazy. I mean you'd think they'd have more sense considering they are on 2 wheels and not 4.

CMV: Hufflepuff is objectively the worst house and it is kind of an insult to be sorted into it. by ComposerShield in changemyview

[–]6chan [score hidden]  (0 children)

Makes sense why Harry went into Gryffindor even though eh would've done just as well in Slytherin.

Come to think of it, someone should write the harry potter series where instead of going into Gryffindor, he winds up in Slytherin.

CMV: Hufflepuff is objectively the worst house and it is kind of an insult to be sorted into it. by ComposerShield in changemyview

[–]6chan [score hidden]  (0 children)

Definitely, Intelligence, Wit, Wisdom, Creativity, Originality, Individuality, Acceptance; that's all her!

CMV: Hufflepuff is objectively the worst house and it is kind of an insult to be sorted into it. by ComposerShield in changemyview

[–]6chan [score hidden]  (0 children)

I dislike Gryffindor, they seem like a bunch of brainless jocks. I am surprised that Hermione was selected into that house.

How can I get the middle earth dataset to work properly in the latest version of Outerra? by 6chan in Outerra

[–]6chan[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I did. I thought that I had to run earth2 before I could run medem ( thats what the forum post said I think)

I tried running medem again on the older version with noupdate and it worked :)

Thanks for you help

Just to be sure there are no buildings in medem right?

I saw some screen shots of houses and such and was wondering if they were supposed to be in medem.

1951 Future Mars settlement by jaykirsch in RetroFuturism

[–]6chan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's so amazing that most of these planetary bases imagined in th 50s are in these bubbles.

It's as if people were not yet ready to imagine that we could be so audacious as to imagine terraforming an entire planet.

S5 0014+81, The largest known supermassive black hole compared to our solar system. by neabacon in space

[–]6chan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Isn't the diameter of the solar system about 1600 AU if you include the oort cloud?

S5 0014+81, The largest known supermassive black hole compared to our solar system. by neabacon in space

[–]6chan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It amazes you and at times makes you want to give up on everything because what's the point you will never get to see any of the things in your lifetime and you are so ridiculously insignificant to matter.

How can I get the middle earth dataset to work properly in the latest version of Outerra? by 6chan in Outerra

[–]6chan[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hey there, thanks for replying!

I tried opening outerra using the -noupdate option and tried loading earth2.

It still downloads planetary data and then crashes due to io error.

Can you help with that?


Teachers of Reddit: They say there are no stupid questions, but what's the most stupid question a student has ever asked you? by UrsulaMajor in AskReddit

[–]6chan 78 points79 points  (0 children)

Amazingly calm answer.

We don't anticipate that.

Regardless, even this guy believes in global warming.

To the last drop. by poopingpopcorn in aww

[–]6chan 54 points55 points  (0 children)

The tutu so unexpected! It was like finding a 20 in your pocket

"I Sit Beside the Fire and Think" by Wmdonovan23 in tolkienfans

[–]6chan 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Are you sure it was the Silmarillion? I was searching for a copy and found this page which suggests that there's only one audiobook for the silmarillion, and thats Martin Shaw's version. Pity, I didn't much care for the new age sounds they use all through it.

I'd love it if they made a new one narrated by either Ian Mckellen or Patrick Stewart...or Rob Inglis

Slow motion spring making (from-r/gifs) by ricky9 in educationalgifs

[–]6chan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I still have a hard time getting it, might as well be magic to me.

"I Sit Beside the Fire and Think" by Wmdonovan23 in tolkienfans

[–]6chan 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I sincerely wish he did the silmarillon too, the existing audiobook is just to harsh on the ears.

His hobbit is amazing too, and the voices he does are consistent across the two books

Algorithm learns to play flappy bird by daes79 in videos

[–]6chan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This was quite possibly the most awesome thing I've seen. Knowing how frustrating this game is and how i still can't play it, seeing an algorithm learn has left me the widest grin I've had on my face all day!!!

Algorithm learns to play flappy bird by daes79 in videos

[–]6chan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This would be an example of unsupervised learning right?

Don't whistle at Gordon Ramsay by eatmannn in videos

[–]6chan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don't. I just thought the way Ramsay reacted was a bit harsh. He could've just said that he found it offensive.

Don't whistle at Gordon Ramsay by eatmannn in videos

[–]6chan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I honestly thought he was overreacting. I mean how fragile is your ego that is hurt by someone whistling to get your attention. I mean whistling is just convenient because it's not like a voice (and therefore cannot be drowned) and it pierces over the rest of the din.

Imagining that someone is treating you in a certain derogatory way and then going on to berate them based on this imagined slight is...being a bit oversensitive.

Shia LaBeouf Arrested in New York on Suspicion of Assault by StuFX in movies

[–]6chan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You can hear fish fish pasta pasta in the background in this video...the instrumental at least.

TIL movie previews were originally shown at the end of a film, trailing the main feature. This is why movie previews are called "trailers." by killerofheroes in todayilearned

[–]6chan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I hate Carmike for this. Every single movie I've watched at a Carmike location has been delayed by 30 - 45 mins. Consequently, by the time I watch the movies I am riled up and angry and i've hated most movies watched at Carmike. The irritation results in me being super petty about the movie I am watching and this leaves a bad taste.

Thick by rhcp88 in pawg

[–]6chan 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I am not sure if they are gift in every case. This just looks unnatural and weird.