- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 4211159
Tobago /təˈbeɪɡoʊ/ is an autonomous island within the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. It is located northeast of the mainland of Trinidad and southeast of the Caribbean country of Grenada. The island lies outside the hurricane belt. According to the earliest English-language source cited in the Oxford English Dictionary, Tobago bore a name that has become the English word tobacco. The national bird of Tobago is the cocrico.
The population was 62,219 at the 2011 census. The capital, Scarborough, has a population of about 25,550. While Trinidad is multiethnic, Tobago's population is primarily of African descent, although with a growing proportion of Trinidadians of East Indian descent and Europeans. Between 2000 and 2011, the population of Tobago grew by 12.55 percent, making it one of the fastest-growing areas of Trinidad and Tobago.
Christopher Columbus first sighted Tobago in 1498. Subsequently, several powers fought over possession of the island.
The original Island Carib population had to defend the island against other Amerindian tribes. Then, during the late 1500s and early 1600s, the natives defended it from European colonists, for instance in 1654 from the Courlanders, who colonised the island intermittently between 1637 and 1690. Over the years, the Dutch, English, Spanish, Swedish, Curonians (Duchy of Courland) and French transformed Tobago into a battle zone and the island changed hands 33 times, the most in Caribbean history, and often name, before the Treaty of Paris ceded it to the British in 1814.
Coordinates: 11°N 61°W / 11°N 61°W / 11; -61
Trinidad and Tobago i/ˈtrɪnᵻˌdæd ənd toʊˈbeɪɡoʊ/, officially the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, is a twin island country situated off the northern edge of South America mainland, lying 11 kilometres (6 mi) just off the coast of northeastern Venezuela and 130 kilometres (81 mi) south of Grenada. Bordering the Caribbean to the north, it shares maritime boundaries with other nations including Barbados to the northeast, Grenada to the northwest, Guyana to the southeast, and Venezuela to the south and west. The country covers an area of 5,128 square kilometres (1,980 sq mi) and consists of two main islands, Trinidad and Tobago, with numerous smaller landforms. The two main islands are divided into nine regions, and one ward. Sangre Grande is the largest of the country's nine regions, comprising about 18% of the total area and 10% of the total population of the country. Trinidad and Tobago lies outside of the hurricane belt.
Jala & Buba Corelli - Trinidad & Tobago (Official HD video)
TOBAGO : TOP 10 THINGS to See & Do | Travel Guide
Jonas Rathsman - Tobago (Official Video)
Tobago (travel-documentary from the season "Caribbean Moments")
Tobāgo (2003.g.)
Jala Brat x Buba Corelli - Trinidad & Tobago (DJ Milos S. 2017 Remix) [GET UP MIX]
2 MONTHS in 2 MINUTES | Tobago
Tobago - Insel in der Karibik (Reisedokumentation in HD aus der Reihe "Caribbean Moments")
Actors: Maria Conchita Alonso (actress), Román Chalbaud (director), Daniel Alvarado (actor), Yanis Chimaras (actor), Caridad Canelón (actress), César Bolívar (director), Aroldo Betancourt (actor), Beatriz Valdés (actress), Haydée Balza (actress), Isabel Moreno (actress), Diego Bertie (actor), Nohely Arteaga (actress), Gianella Neyra (actress), Luis Manzo (director), Ruddy Rodríguez (actress),
Plot: Across the city, the legend of a man sets women on fire. They say that his eyes can demolish the strongest woman; that his words are celestial music; that he is a master at exploring the feminine body. Some have even compared him to the mythical character Don Juan. He is Simon Luna, the most famous tourist guide in the Caribbean, specialized in taking vacationers to Venezuela's most exotic locations. Another detail makes this legend even more disturbing: the best lover in town has never been conquered by any woman. That is^Å until the arrival of Camila Rigores. A woman of incredible beauty and overpowering personality, she's the daughter of Leon Rigores, owner of the biggest hotel in the capital. Camila Rigores returns to Venezuela with the mission of managing her father's hotel and of reactivating the tourist industry across the country. But an unforeseeable tragedy occurs: Isabel Rigores, Camila's younger sister, commits suicide because of an unrequited love. Camila decides to get revenge for her sister's unexpected suicide and hunts down the man responsible for her death. That man is none other than Simon Luna. Camila Rigores works out a master plan. The great womanizer must be attracted with tasty bait, and what better bait than herself? Simon will be surprised by the sudden apparition of Camila Rigores in one of the most impressive locations of Venezuelan nature. She will make him her business partner, will challenge him to seduce her and will propose the rarest of bets. It is then that her duel to death with him begins. Simon, never suspecting that she is Isabel's sister, and totally ignorant of Isabel's death, is immediately captivated by Camila's beauty. He accepts the challenge of seducing her in a limited time period, and they each bet all of their assets, meaning complete ruin for the one who loses. The proposition is totally crazy, but it is a challenge that Simon simply cannot refuse. Starting the next day, Simon Luna will try to seduce the world's most difficult woman, while she sets her lethal trap. And this dangerous game will violently change their lives forever. But our story not only focuses on this memorable duel, as the El Dorado hotel harbors more love affairs than the city has ever known. The lives of both the hotel guests and employees will generate a kaleidoscope of tales: Powerful men, emancipated women, couples on the verge of separation, desperate singles, friends betraying friends, secret loves, blundering casanovas, heartless grandmothers and exuberant granddaughters.
Keywords: hotel, suicide, venezuela, womanizerBosnian Kingdom Clothing/ https://www.facebook.com/bosniankingdomclothing Directed by Arnej Misirlić Label/ RedEye Vision T Tempo Production Beat/ Jala Mix/Master/ Jala & Buba Corelli Recorded @ RedEye Studio "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copy...
☼ SUBSCRIBE: Travel Advice & Adventure ☞ http://bit.ly/hey-nadine Come explore the best things to do and see on the caribbean island of Tobago. Read More: Top 30 Things to Do in Tobago: http://www.heynadine.com/30-things-to-do-in-tobago ❤ HELP ME GET TO 100K ON ❤ http://www.heynadine.com Snapchat : nadinesykora Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/heynadine Twitter : http://twitter.com/heynadine Facebook : http://facebook.com/heynadine 🎥 Learn HOW to be a Travel Vlogger/Videographer: the E-COURSE: http://bit.ly/TravelVideoECourse 🎥 MY CAMERA GEAR 🎥 B&H;: http://bit.ly/HeyNadineBHShop Amazon: http://bit.ly/HeyNadineAmazon Sony A7S II http://amzn.to/2f7l87T Editing: Adobe Premiere Pro CC ♬ MUSIC ♬ http://www.epidemicsound.com 📧 CONTACT - nadinesykora@gmail.com
SUBSCRIBE FOR ADVENTURE http://bit.ly/1258Cu2 Every year, travellers flock to Trinidad and Tobago to experience the famous Carnival. Myself and 7 other bloggers/vloggers headed to Trinidad and Tobago to experience what the twin island countries had to offer pre-carnival. In this video, we experience the beautiful island of Tobago. _________________ Where you can find me: INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/kristenadventure FACEBOOK- http://www.facebook.com/hopscotchtheglobe TWITTER - http://twitter.com/HTGlobe SNAPCHAT - itskristensarah TUMBLR - http://kristensarahworld.tumblr.com/ BLOG - http://www.hopscotchtheglobe.com If you like what I do, why not share my videos with your friends and family! _________________ Watch my most recent videos: First Bungee Jump - http://youtu.be/1lvgTtBLXJ...
http://www.beatport.com/track/tobago-original-mix/3720841 Initially released on French Express at the start of the year Jonas Rathsman's awesome Tobago EP has been snapped up by Defected Records & remixes commissioned from Mercury, Kidnap Kid & Volta Bureau. Look out out for these awesome remixes hitting stores on the 10th September, until then here's the Official Video for one of the most feel good records of the summer. http://defected.com http://twitter.com/defectedrecords http://facebook.com/defectedinthehouse http://soundcloud.com/defectedrecords http://mixcloud.com/defectedrecords http://defectedrecords.tumblr.com http://instagram.com/defectedrecords http://open.spotify.com/user/defected.records
Wonderful nature and culturel diversity - that's caribbean! Our Playlist for the Caribbean: https://goo.gl/QnJtGS Subscribe to our channel for more travels: https://goo.gl/tIk2Qc Follow wocomo on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wocomo/ The beauty of the nature of Tobago once inspired Daniel Defoe to let his famous castaway Robinson Crusoe land there. The island appeared to the hero as a planted Garden of Eden, and it is still impressive today. "Main Rich Forest Reserve" is the earliest preserved virgin rainforest in the western hemisphere (since 1776). Arawak people were the first settlers on the island. Later the Caribs came from South America. The name Chistopher Columbus gave the island in 1498 was Bellaforma, later it became the name Tobago from Tobacco, which was growm on the ...
Traģikomiska dziesmuspēle 2 daļās Kurzemes un Zemgales hercogiste ir sasniegusi augstu ekonomisko un kultūras līmeni un nosaka gaisotni visā Eiropā. Lielākā daļa Eiropas valstu ir parādā mazajai Kurzemei. Hercoga Jēkaba sapņi sniedzas daudz tālāk par Eiropu. "Man jāiegūst pasaule" un 80 ģimenes tiek nosūtītas pāri Atlantijas okeānam uz Tobāgo! Tas ir stāsts par lieliem, skaistiem sapņiem, kas, diemžēl, mēdz arī nepiepildīties, bet bez kuriem nevar dzīvot. Par cerībām un vilšanos, par mīlestību un nāvi, visbeidzot par kādu ārkārtīgi nozīmīgu lappusi Latvijas vēsturē.
► Booking Menager & info: +381 65 50 14 149 (Dragutin) ►FB FanPage : http://www.facebook.com/savkicofficial ►FB (Popunjen Profil) : https://www.facebook.com/milos.s.official ►FB (Novi Profil) : https://www.facebook.com/milos.prive ►Insta: http://instagram.com/dj_milos_s_official DOWNLOAD : https://www.sendspace.com/file/6jzgvi All rights for video : IVA - FILMS Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/ivafilms Info: vk.com/olegbadak iva-films@mail.ru Ovaj remix je iskljucivo radjen u promotivne svrhe. Sva prava pripadaju izvođačima i njihovim izdavačkim kućama. This remix is strictly for promotional purposes only. All rights are reserved to the artists and their respective record labels. jala brat klinka tekst, jala brat klinka -watchmojo.com, jala brat klinka remix, jala brat klinka lyrics, jal...
The incredible Caribbean island of Tobago!! Beaches, waterfalls, horse rides, scuba diving and more! Watch the whole 60 Days in Tobago Series: http://bit.ly/1vNMbkj ★★SUBSCRIBE: join the adventure! : http://bit.ly/hey-nadine ♥ Snapchat: nadinesykora ▬ FOLLOW ME ▬ ►Blog: http://www.heynadine.com ►Vine: https://vine.co/nadinesykora ►Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/heynadine ►Twitter: http://twitter.com/heynadine ►Facebook: http://facebook.com/nadineesykora ►Tumblr: http://etcnadine.tumblr.com ►Bloglovin: http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/4106313 ►Google + : https://plus.google.com/+heynadine ✘ EQUIPMENT USED ✘ Canon 70D Go Pro Hero 3 Silver Rode VideoMic Pro Edited: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 ♫ MUSIC ♫ http://audiojungle.net/?ref=heynadine LOOKING FOR MUSIC!! If you have a Soundc...
Wunderschöne Natur und kulturelle Vielfalt - das ist Karibik! Unsere Playlist Karibik: https://goo.gl/8dUiDp Abonniere den Kanal für weitere Dokus: https://goo.gl/tIk2Qc Folge wocomo auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wocomo/ Die Schönheit der Natur inspirierte einst Daniel Defoe für seinen Roman Robinson Crusoe. Er ließ den Engländer auf Tobago stranden und von dort aus die Insel erkunden. Tobago ist die kleinere der beiden Inseln des Inselstaats Trinidad und Tobago und gehört mit seiner Lage nördlich von Venezuela zu den kleinen Antillen. Die ersten Siedler waren die Arawak, die überwiegend von Landwirtschaft lebten. Erst später kamen die Kariben auf die Insel, auf die auch Christoph Columbus traf, als er 1498 dort landete und die Insel Bellaforma nannte. Der Name Tobago leitet...
SUBSCRIBE FOR ADVENTURE http://bit.ly/1258Cu2 Every year, travellers flock to Trinidad and Tobago to experience the famous Carnival. Myself and 7 other bloggers/vloggers headed to Trinidad and Tobago to experience what the twin island countries had to offer pre-carnival. In this video, we experience the beautiful island of Tobago. _________________ Where you can find me: INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/kristenadventure FACEBOOK- http://www.facebook.com/hopscotchtheglobe TWITTER - http://twitter.com/HTGlobe SNAPCHAT - itskristensarah TUMBLR - http://kristensarahworld.tumblr.com/ BLOG - http://www.hopscotchtheglobe.com If you like what I do, why not share my videos with your friends and family! _________________ Watch my most recent videos: First Bungee Jump - http://youtu.be/1lvgTtBLXJ...
Wonderful nature and culturel diversity - that's caribbean! Our Playlist for the Caribbean: https://goo.gl/QnJtGS Subscribe to our channel for more travels: https://goo.gl/tIk2Qc Follow wocomo on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wocomo/ The beauty of the nature of Tobago once inspired Daniel Defoe to let his famous castaway Robinson Crusoe land there. The island appeared to the hero as a planted Garden of Eden, and it is still impressive today. "Main Rich Forest Reserve" is the earliest preserved virgin rainforest in the western hemisphere (since 1776). Arawak people were the first settlers on the island. Later the Caribs came from South America. The name Chistopher Columbus gave the island in 1498 was Bellaforma, later it became the name Tobago from Tobacco, which was growm on the ...
Travel video about destination Trinidad. Located to the south of the Caribbean island of Cuba, Trinidad was founded by the Spaniard, Velazquez and in the 18th century the city experienced great wealth and recognition through the cultivation of sugar cane.The exclusive palaces and villas of the sugar barons still leave their mark on the city with tall wooden gates, barred windows and original roof tiles that characterise the style of bygone days. The Palacio Padron is located on the Plaza Mayor, the centre of the city. A few years ago the palace was lovingly restored in painstaking detail and transformed into an archaeological museum. Around the main square the most beautiful palaces stand in rows and are an impressive indicator of the colonial lifestyle enjoyed by the former sugar aristocr...
Hey everyone, I'm finally back to making videos! As promised, I will be bringing to you inspiration, travel & health videos via this channel. This video is some footage compiled together from my trip to Trinidad & Tobago, as well as Panama City. It was an amazing trip & I hope you can all check out these places one day too! Website: http://www.itstyleryang.blogspot.ca Let's be friends! http://www.twitter.com/itstyleryang http://www.facebook.com/itstyleryang http://www.instagram.com/itstyleryang http://www.itstyleryang.tumblr.com
☼ SUBSCRIBE: Travel Advice & Adventure ☞ http://bit.ly/hey-nadine Come explore the best things to do and see on the caribbean island of Tobago. Read More: Top 30 Things to Do in Tobago: http://www.heynadine.com/30-things-to-do-in-tobago ❤ HELP ME GET TO 100K ON ❤ http://www.heynadine.com Snapchat : nadinesykora Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/heynadine Twitter : http://twitter.com/heynadine Facebook : http://facebook.com/heynadine 🎥 Learn HOW to be a Travel Vlogger/Videographer: the E-COURSE: http://bit.ly/TravelVideoECourse 🎥 MY CAMERA GEAR 🎥 B&H;: http://bit.ly/HeyNadineBHShop Amazon: http://bit.ly/HeyNadineAmazon Sony A7S II http://amzn.to/2f7l87T Editing: Adobe Premiere Pro CC ♬ MUSIC ♬ http://www.epidemicsound.com 📧 CONTACT - nadinesykora@gmail.com
Planning to visit Trinidad and Tobago? Check out our Trinidad and Tobago Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Trinidad and Tobago. Top Places to visit in Trinidad and Tobago: Nylon Pool, Yerette, Stand Up Paddle, Englishman's Bay, Tobago Forest Reserve, Maracas Bay, Pigeon Point Beach, Asa Wright Nature Centre, Pirate's Bay, Castara Bay, Argyle Waterfall, Fort George, Adventure Farm and Nature Reserve, Undersea Tobago, Dattatreya Temple and Hanuman Statue Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1 To go to the World Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3IilVSbByNJzEsCmsbIgv1 Visit our Website: http://socialbubble.global Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SocialBu...
Country number 2 of 10 on my Caribbean island hop! I fly into the capital, Port of Spain, see the sights and take a detour to see some hummingbirds.
Sweet sweet T&T; - such a hidden gem! If you're looking for a true authentic Caribbean island experience, add this country to your travel bucket list! The fact that it's untouched by tourism made it even better. Every beach we were on felt like our own private beach. Also, the difference between Tobago and Trinidad is really neat because you can have two different types of vacations in one. Tobago is more laid back and slow paced while Trinidad is a bigger city with lots of parties and people - however, don't get it twisted...Tobago knows how to party too! The way we were treated by everyone we met, the food, the constant sound of soca music, the energy and the positivity was unexplainable. Here are the links to our accommodations: Tobago: https://www.airbnb.ca/users/show/92422442 Tr...
The incredible Caribbean island of Tobago!! Beaches, waterfalls, horse rides, scuba diving and more! Watch the whole 60 Days in Tobago Series: http://bit.ly/1vNMbkj ★★SUBSCRIBE: join the adventure! : http://bit.ly/hey-nadine ♥ Snapchat: nadinesykora ▬ FOLLOW ME ▬ ►Blog: http://www.heynadine.com ►Vine: https://vine.co/nadinesykora ►Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/heynadine ►Twitter: http://twitter.com/heynadine ►Facebook: http://facebook.com/nadineesykora ►Tumblr: http://etcnadine.tumblr.com ►Bloglovin: http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/4106313 ►Google + : https://plus.google.com/+heynadine ✘ EQUIPMENT USED ✘ Canon 70D Go Pro Hero 3 Silver Rode VideoMic Pro Edited: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 ♫ MUSIC ♫ http://audiojungle.net/?ref=heynadine LOOKING FOR MUSIC!! If you have a Soundc...
Check out Virgin Atlantic's fly by destination guide to Tobago.
At night.. (yeahhh!)
At night.. (talkin bout - all that shit)
At night.. (better not go to sleep nigga)
At night.. (yeah! I see you nigga)
Smokin bomb, feelin loaded, forty yappin, smoke imported
Servin (?) fat as boulders, got a (?) on my shoulders
Homies robbin homies, on point with the po'-po's
Sellin white snow pure yo, twist a little bit just to get a lil' mo'
We had the ground, we bagged a round, crack, money in stripes
I lay you down, let niggaz know that we ain't no fuckin joke, niggahhh
The nighttime's, the right time, family and pride
Personally known for the way I, spray and ride
Silent if I, silent is the way I glide
Money'll make a nigga shift a pistol shoot to the sky
Nigga let's ride! I love it when the sun goes down
Nigga get chopped down, get gunned down
Run down, run around, and shot down
Popped down glocks in full pound surround
Get the homies together and call the shots, fallin on baller's blocks
Smaller and smaller knots, alcoholics lookin fo'
[D] my gangsta bitches (uh-huh) and busta niggaz (uh-huh)
[K] Liquor weed, pistols pills, niggaz shot and niggaz killed
At night.. (uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh)
At night.. (uh-huh)
(liquor weed, pistols pills, niggaz shot and niggaz killed)
At night.. (uh-huh, uh-huh)
At night.. (what ch'all niggaz wanna do, huh?)
I put holes in the air and turn black to blue
And I don't give a fuck about puttin holes in you
The midnight strike, the killer strikes the streets at night
Imitation Doggs on scope and it's on on sight (nigga)
Murder killin robbery, mayhem
Assault with the deadly weapons equals battery
I be down with the tragedy
Catch a nigga slippin, shoulda known
Nigga one-eighty-seven ain't shit but a misdemeanor
(If you ain't knowin - they ain't knowin)
Niggaz dyin unexpected, and they knowin
(They don't know) Niggaz tryin to make it echo
but it's showin (they ain't showin) little bitches on the street
straight hoein (straight hoein) you ain't knowin (thought you knew)
Overblown, got'n'gone, the song zone, at the zone shown
Time and time again it's on, Vietnam again
Napalm set-trip, coast-trip, post and get
tripped on, blastin fuckin chippin niggaz out the fuckin dash
What the fuck is this? Niggaz is the luckiest
Strike and spray, e'ryday all day around the way
I lost my homeboy last year, nigga shed his last tear
Comin through to blast shit, I knew I'd catch his ass crip
At night.. (uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh)
At night.. (uh-huh)
(liquor weed, pistols pills, niggaz shot and niggaz killed)
At night.. (uh-huh, uh-huh)
At night..
At night.. (yeahhh - that's how it go down e'ry night nigga)
At night.. (y'all niggaz better stay strapped)
(cause we on a hunt for all y'all)
At night.. (and we ain't takin no shorts)
(servin y'all niggaz on sight)
At night.. (everyday, all night, yeah)
At night.. (everyday, all day, anybody killer)
At night.. (fuck all y'all! yeah!)
At night..
Whassup whassup? Whatchu need?
(Got a fifty sack?) Whassup? Aww the police, c'mon!
{Police! Police! Up against the wall}