- published: 27 Apr 2016
- views: 2667068
Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing, and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, and share them either publicly or privately on the app, as well as through a variety of other social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr. Originally, a distinctive feature was that it confined photos to a square shape, similar to Kodak Instamatic and Polaroid images, in contrast to the 4:3 aspect ratio typically used by mobile device cameras. In August 2015, version 7.5 was released, allowing users to post photos captured in any aspect ratio. Users can also apply digital filters to their images. The maximum duration for Instagram videos is 15 seconds.
Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, and launched in October 2010 as a free mobile app. The service rapidly gained popularity, with over 100 million active users as of April 2012 and over 300 million as of December 2014. Instagram is distributed through the Apple App Store, Google Play, and Windows Phone Store. Support for the app is available for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Android handsets, while third-party Instagram apps are available for BlackBerry 10 and Nokia-Symbian Devices.
2017 (MMXVII) will be a common year starting on Sunday (dominical letter A) of the Gregorian calendar, the 2017th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 17th year of the 3rd millennium, the 17th year of the 21st century, and the 8th year of the 2010s decade.
10 Instagram Hacks That ACTUALLY Work!
A Guide To The Perfect Instagram
BEST Facebook & Instagram Videos April 2017 (Part 5) Funny Vines compilation - Best Viners
How To Become An Instagram Fashion Celebrity
Justin Quiles - Instagram [Official Audio]
Helmetheads - อินสตาแกรม (INSTAGRAM) | (OFFICIAL LYRIC & GUITAR CHORD)
BEST Facebook & Instagram Videos April 2017 (Part 1) Funny Vines compilation - Best Viners
Best Facebook & Instagram Compilation | Funny IG & FB Videos October 2016
New Instagram Features and How To Use!
PART 2!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2ew6-tfe9s How I Edit Instagram Pics!! https://youtu.be/08hAjxLHXBM → LET'S BE FRIENDS! ← ✖ Instagram - @adrienne_wf ✖ Twitter - @adrienne_wf ✖ Snapchat - adriennewifi ✖ YouNow - https://goo.gl/TJyQPd ✖ Vine - @adrienne_wf ✖ Facebook - https://goo.gl/2AqWS4 Hi guys! In today's video I'm showing you 10 instagram hacks that actually work! These hacks will help you gain likes and followers. Social media isn't everything so please don't misunderstand the message here, but for those of you who care about your feeds and marketing, these hacks are for you! ✖ SUBSCRIBE to my VLOG CHANNEL♡ https://goo.gl/dJ6Ib6 ✖ SUBSCRIBE to MADVIBES ♡ https://goo.gl/9tlJIQ For a FREE Uber ride up to $20 use the code: pg669 Business Inquiries: adriennewf@gmail.com FT...
Join The Franta Family: http://bit.ly/1gc4476 My Previous Video: http://bit.ly/1LGDZPD Follow Me On Instagram: http://instagram.com/ConnorFranta My Book: http://aworkinprogressbyconnor.com My Compilation Album: http://bit.ly/1NrLZUy My Online Store: http://bit.ly/1dqJ2hW Follow Your Dreams (& My Twitter): http://bit.ly/1nrSgnh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • All My Social Media Links • Main Channel: http://youtube.com/ConnorFranta 2nd Channel: http://youtube.com/ConnorFranta2 Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConnorFranta Instagram: http://instagram.com/ConnorFranta Facebook: http://facebook.com/ConnorFrantaFans Tumblr: http://connorfranta.tumblr.com Vine: http://vine.co/ConnorFranta Spotify: http://spoti.fi/1h2V3Qe Snapchat: theconn...
NEW Facebook and Instagram Video compilation of April 2017 Featuring LianeV, Ross Smith, Amanda Cerny, KingBach, HahaDavis, David Lopez, PatdLucky, Trey Kennedy, Marlon Webb, Destorm Power, and more! Best Viners playlist ►http://bit.ly/BestVinerscompilation Best Vines compilation playlist ►http://bit.ly/BestVinescompilation Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/bestvinersHD Twitter ►https://twitter.com/BestvinersHD SUBSCRIBE for more Vine compilation ►http://goo.gl/rTHG6B
I have to go take pictures of my clothes on the floor... Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedBlue! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedblue1 GET MORE BUZZFEED: https://www.buzzfeed.com https://www.buzzfeed.com/videos https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedvideo https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedyellow https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedblue https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedviolet https://www.youtube.com/perolike BuzzFeedBlue Sports, video games, Unsolved & more epic daily videos! MUSIC SFX Provided By AudioBlocks (https://www.audioblocks.com) Licensed via Audio Network STILLS Carl Monroe https://www.instagram.com/carlmonroe/ Jeremy Koenig https://www.instagram.com/jertiger/ Kane Diep https://www.instagram.com/kanediep/ Amro Helmy https://www.instagram.com/amro1helmy/ Bryan Michael Nuñez https://www.inst...
Instagram [Official Audio] performed by J Quiles Buy on iTunes(https://goo.gl/xXbLxy) Facebook-https://goo.gl/vhhZT2 | Twitter-https://goo.gl/ETxOT1 Instagram-https://goo.gl/34TamJ | https://www.JustinQuiles.com Por el instagram yo la conocí ella me siguió y yo la seguí no pude contenerme fui y le escribí hasta que el número le di ahora hablamos de ves en cuando no sé si sabe que me gusta regreso a verla por la mañana y a su foto le doy me gusta Acéptame hablarte una noche que sea inolvidable que conmigo la pases como nadie como nadie (x2) Solo quiero recorrer con tigo mami el mundo entero tocarte ese cuerpo como un bandolero y aún que no sea el primero quiero hacértelo como si fuera que empiece el sal pa fuera bendito dime cuáles son tus requisitos ese corazón de hielo...
SINGLE : Instagram (อินสตาแกรม) ARTIST : HELMETHEADS LABEL : สไปร์ซซี่ ดิสก์ Tune down 1/2 tone to Eb Dmaj7 E/D C#m7 * อยากย้อนเวลากลับไป ตรงที่เก่า Dmaj7 E/D C#m7 อยากจะทำให้เรื่องของเรา ดีกว่านี้ Dmaj7 E/D C#m7 F#m7 อยากย้อนคืนวันเวลา ให้เธอและฉันมีวันที่แสนดี Bm7 E Amaj9 ให้เวลานี้มีเพียงแต่เรา เหมือนเคย Instrument Amaj9 / Dsus2 / Amaj9 / Dsus2 Amaj9 Dsus2 ทุกครั้ง ที่คิดถึงเธอเมื่อไร Bm7 E9 ในใจ ฉันยังคงเจ็บอยู่เหมือนเดิม Amaj9 Dsus2 รูปใด ภาพใด ยิ่งดูยิ่งซ้ำเติม Bm7 E9 ยิ่งตอกยิ่งย้ำว่าฉันได้ทำให้เธอเสียใจ (*) Dmaj7 C#m7 ** แต่ฉันก็รู้จะทำ...
NEW Facebook and Instagram Video compilation of April 2017 Featuring KingVADER, Marlon Webb, Liane V, Vincent Marcus, Destorm Power, Officer Daniels, Adin Kolansky, Janina, Melvin Gregg, Jessica Vanessa, Mightyduck, Tonio Skits, Matthew Raymond, Jay Versace, Chris Melberger and more! Best Viners playlist ►http://bit.ly/BestVinerscompilation Best Vines compilation playlist ►http://bit.ly/BestVinescompilation Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/bestvinersHD Twitter ►https://twitter.com/BestvinersHD SUBSCRIBE for more Vine compilation ►http://goo.gl/rTHG6B
INSTAGRAM STORY Q&A; •Please leave me a comment and give a thumbs up. It means a lot •SUBSCRIBE http://bit.ly/1kV3htg •WEBSITE http://jimchapman.co.uk •TWITTER https://twitter.com/jimchapman •INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/JimChapman •SNAPCHAT JimChapman •FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/OfficialJimChapman •ADDRESS Gleam Futures 6th Floor 60 Charlotte Street London W1T 2NU •BUSINESS ENQUIRIES georgia@gleamfutures.com
New Facebook and Instagram Video Compilation from the Top Viners of the Year 2016! Check out the "Yelp This" music video from Team Internet ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryEsuevuZGs Check out more Beyond The Vine Compilations ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g75iIHsD6TE&index;=1&list;=PLnEgJF0UIKFAIbPBW1D891BaCE5xZyiS2 Subscribe for more Best Vines ►https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBestVines?sub_confirmation=1
Instagram just added the feature that allows you to add up to 10 photos/videos to a POST. What do you guys think? Do you like it? Comment below! Subscribe for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/itsmejennae?sub_confirmation=1 *** Previous Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoJ5sEyd0w8 *** INSTAGRAM + TWITTER: @jennaezarik FACEBOOK: facebook.com/jennaezarik SNAPCHAT: jennaezarik ** Vlogging Camera: http://amzn.to/2gBpzHm ***
PART 2!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2ew6-tfe9s How I Edit Instagram Pics!! https://youtu.be/08hAjxLHXBM → LET'S BE FRIENDS! ← ✖ Instagram - @adrienne_wf ✖ Twitter - @adrienne_wf ✖ Snapchat - adriennewifi ✖ YouNow - https://goo.gl/TJyQPd ✖ Vine - @adrienne_wf ✖ Facebook - https://goo.gl/2AqWS4 Hi guys! In today's video I'm showing you 10 instagram hacks that actually work! These hacks will help you gain likes and followers. Social media isn't everything so please don't misunderstand the message here, but for those of you who care about your feeds and marketing, these hacks are for you! ✖ SUBSCRIBE to my VLOG CHANNEL♡ https://goo.gl/dJ6Ib6 ✖ SUBSCRIBE to MADVIBES ♡ https://goo.gl/9tlJIQ For a FREE Uber ride up to $20 use the code: pg669 Business Inquiries: adriennewf@gmail.com FT...
Join The Franta Family: http://bit.ly/1gc4476 My Previous Video: http://bit.ly/1LGDZPD Follow Me On Instagram: http://instagram.com/ConnorFranta My Book: http://aworkinprogressbyconnor.com My Compilation Album: http://bit.ly/1NrLZUy My Online Store: http://bit.ly/1dqJ2hW Follow Your Dreams (& My Twitter): http://bit.ly/1nrSgnh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • All My Social Media Links • Main Channel: http://youtube.com/ConnorFranta 2nd Channel: http://youtube.com/ConnorFranta2 Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConnorFranta Instagram: http://instagram.com/ConnorFranta Facebook: http://facebook.com/ConnorFrantaFans Tumblr: http://connorfranta.tumblr.com Vine: http://vine.co/ConnorFranta Spotify: http://spoti.fi/1h2V3Qe Snapchat: theconn...
NEW Facebook and Instagram Video compilation of April 2017 Featuring LianeV, Ross Smith, Amanda Cerny, KingBach, HahaDavis, David Lopez, PatdLucky, Trey Kennedy, Marlon Webb, Destorm Power, and more! Best Viners playlist ►http://bit.ly/BestVinerscompilation Best Vines compilation playlist ►http://bit.ly/BestVinescompilation Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/bestvinersHD Twitter ►https://twitter.com/BestvinersHD SUBSCRIBE for more Vine compilation ►http://goo.gl/rTHG6B
I have to go take pictures of my clothes on the floor... Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedBlue! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedblue1 GET MORE BUZZFEED: https://www.buzzfeed.com https://www.buzzfeed.com/videos https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedvideo https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedyellow https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedblue https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedviolet https://www.youtube.com/perolike BuzzFeedBlue Sports, video games, Unsolved & more epic daily videos! MUSIC SFX Provided By AudioBlocks (https://www.audioblocks.com) Licensed via Audio Network STILLS Carl Monroe https://www.instagram.com/carlmonroe/ Jeremy Koenig https://www.instagram.com/jertiger/ Kane Diep https://www.instagram.com/kanediep/ Amro Helmy https://www.instagram.com/amro1helmy/ Bryan Michael Nuñez https://www.inst...
Instagram [Official Audio] performed by J Quiles Buy on iTunes(https://goo.gl/xXbLxy) Facebook-https://goo.gl/vhhZT2 | Twitter-https://goo.gl/ETxOT1 Instagram-https://goo.gl/34TamJ | https://www.JustinQuiles.com Por el instagram yo la conocí ella me siguió y yo la seguí no pude contenerme fui y le escribí hasta que el número le di ahora hablamos de ves en cuando no sé si sabe que me gusta regreso a verla por la mañana y a su foto le doy me gusta Acéptame hablarte una noche que sea inolvidable que conmigo la pases como nadie como nadie (x2) Solo quiero recorrer con tigo mami el mundo entero tocarte ese cuerpo como un bandolero y aún que no sea el primero quiero hacértelo como si fuera que empiece el sal pa fuera bendito dime cuáles son tus requisitos ese corazón de hielo...
SINGLE : Instagram (อินสตาแกรม) ARTIST : HELMETHEADS LABEL : สไปร์ซซี่ ดิสก์ Tune down 1/2 tone to Eb Dmaj7 E/D C#m7 * อยากย้อนเวลากลับไป ตรงที่เก่า Dmaj7 E/D C#m7 อยากจะทำให้เรื่องของเรา ดีกว่านี้ Dmaj7 E/D C#m7 F#m7 อยากย้อนคืนวันเวลา ให้เธอและฉันมีวันที่แสนดี Bm7 E Amaj9 ให้เวลานี้มีเพียงแต่เรา เหมือนเคย Instrument Amaj9 / Dsus2 / Amaj9 / Dsus2 Amaj9 Dsus2 ทุกครั้ง ที่คิดถึงเธอเมื่อไร Bm7 E9 ในใจ ฉันยังคงเจ็บอยู่เหมือนเดิม Amaj9 Dsus2 รูปใด ภาพใด ยิ่งดูยิ่งซ้ำเติม Bm7 E9 ยิ่งตอกยิ่งย้ำว่าฉันได้ทำให้เธอเสียใจ (*) Dmaj7 C#m7 ** แต่ฉันก็รู้จะทำ...
NEW Facebook and Instagram Video compilation of April 2017 Featuring KingVADER, Marlon Webb, Liane V, Vincent Marcus, Destorm Power, Officer Daniels, Adin Kolansky, Janina, Melvin Gregg, Jessica Vanessa, Mightyduck, Tonio Skits, Matthew Raymond, Jay Versace, Chris Melberger and more! Best Viners playlist ►http://bit.ly/BestVinerscompilation Best Vines compilation playlist ►http://bit.ly/BestVinescompilation Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/bestvinersHD Twitter ►https://twitter.com/BestvinersHD SUBSCRIBE for more Vine compilation ►http://goo.gl/rTHG6B
INSTAGRAM STORY Q&A; •Please leave me a comment and give a thumbs up. It means a lot •SUBSCRIBE http://bit.ly/1kV3htg •WEBSITE http://jimchapman.co.uk •TWITTER https://twitter.com/jimchapman •INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/JimChapman •SNAPCHAT JimChapman •FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/OfficialJimChapman •ADDRESS Gleam Futures 6th Floor 60 Charlotte Street London W1T 2NU •BUSINESS ENQUIRIES georgia@gleamfutures.com
New Facebook and Instagram Video Compilation from the Top Viners of the Year 2016! Check out the "Yelp This" music video from Team Internet ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryEsuevuZGs Check out more Beyond The Vine Compilations ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g75iIHsD6TE&index;=1&list;=PLnEgJF0UIKFAIbPBW1D891BaCE5xZyiS2 Subscribe for more Best Vines ►https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBestVines?sub_confirmation=1
Instagram just added the feature that allows you to add up to 10 photos/videos to a POST. What do you guys think? Do you like it? Comment below! Subscribe for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/itsmejennae?sub_confirmation=1 *** Previous Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoJ5sEyd0w8 *** INSTAGRAM + TWITTER: @jennaezarik FACEBOOK: facebook.com/jennaezarik SNAPCHAT: jennaezarik ** Vlogging Camera: http://amzn.to/2gBpzHm ***
The Best Electro House, Party Dance Mixes & Mashups by Club Music!! Make sure to subscribe and like this video!! Free Download: http://bit.ly/1H4aF1M ▸Follow us on Instagram for Models: https://www.instagram.com/Club.Music.Girls/ ▸Follow this Soundcloud for free downloads when it hits 10k: http://bit.ly/1Egulj1 ▸Follow CLUB MUSIC on Facebook: http://goo.gl/MSPI8q Picture by Karen Abramyan: https://www.facebook.com/karenabramyanphotography Model Viktoriya Pobeda: https://instagram.com/vikkywow/ https://www.facebook.com/PobedaPrizzz
Best Amanda Cerny Vines and Facebook, Instagram Videos of All Time - Funny Vine Compilation 2016 Follow Amanda Cerny on Vine - https://vine.co/amandacerny Subscribe! : https://www.youtube.com/user/AlotVines Follow! : https://twitter.com/AlotVine Like! : https://www.facebook.com/AlotVines Follow! : https://plus.google.com/+AlotVines
JOIN ME on Live.Me - http://smarturl.it/319bs1 Yesterdays Vlog - https://youtu.be/DsfvWteF_2A TWITTER - https://twitter.com/romanatwood SNAPCHAT - RomanAtwood INSTAGRAM - @RomanAtwood Smile More Store- http://www.RomanAtwood.com Send Mail To - PO BOX 670 Millersport OH 43046 I love you all! Roman soldiers baby!
My collab together with Bebe Rexha 'In The Name Of Love' is available now: Spotify - http://stmpd.co/sITNOL iTunes - http://stmpd.co/iITNOL Apple Music - http://stmpd.co/amITNOL Google Play - http://stmpd.co/gpITNOL Amazon - http://stmpd.co/aITNOL Follow Martin Garrix: Facebook: http://facebook.com/MartinGarrix Twitter: http://twitter.com/MartinGarrix Instagram: http://instagram.com/MartinGarrix YouTube: http://youtube.com/MartinGarrix Ultra Live 2016 is produced by NOMOBO
► Bass Boosted Music Mix → Best Of EDM // Bass Boost // Bass Test // Trap Remix & Music ► Daily Bass Boosted music. Trap, EDM, House & Bounce. Subscribe! ► FREE Download: https://www.toneden.io/bassboosterz-2/post/bass-boosted-music-mix-best-of-edm- Follow Bassboosterz: » Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bassboosterz » Instagram: http://instagram.com/amineeboyz » Twitter: https://twitter.com/BassBoosterz69 » Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/bassboosterz_official → Tracklist: Message me on Facebook or Twitter or email me! Wallpaper: Wallpaper: https://wallpaperscraft.com/download/suicide_squad_the_joker_jared_leto_110821/3840x2160 Copyrights Issues: » There is no copyright infringement intended for the song or picture. If you have an issue with me posting this song or pi...
► Electro House 2016 Best Festival Party Video Mix | New 2015 EDM Dance Charts Songs | Club Music Remix 2017 - Be prepared for the new stuff! Video edited and second part mixed by Maskan! Support him!!! » Donate (via Paypal): http://bit.ly/29c0stM → YouTube: https://goo.gl/1xFwNx → Mixcloud: https://goo.gl/Ocy1UJ → Soundcloud: https://goo.gl/HPLHFO ► Tracklist http://sh.st/P9yEs ♥ Support DJ Ekki » Snapchat: http://www.snapchat.com/add/djekkimusic » Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/djekkiofficial » YouTube: http://bit.ly/1Me5ugE » Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/DJEkkiMusic
You guys are my everything. Sorry this video is a year long. For more videos, click here: http://bit.ly/2cXZbGs Thanks For Watching! Follow me on Social Media! Instagram: http://instagram.com/natalia__taylor/ Snapchat: http://www.snapchat.com/add/nati_taylor Twitter: http://twitter.com/natalia_taylor_/ #SLAYYYYYYY
instagram - @Thai_Holidays
قصيدة: بنات النبي أداء: الحاج باسم الكربلائي كلمات: الشاعر السيد عبدالخالق المحنه ليلة ١٠ شهر محرم الحرام ١٤٣٧ هـ حسينية المرحوم داود العاشور - البصرة إخراج البث المباشر: عباس يوسفي للتواصل مع الحسابات الرسمية للحاج باسم الكربلائي : Facebook: http://facebook.com/BasimKarbalaei Instagram: http://instagram.com/bk_staff Twitter: http://twitter.com/BasimKarbalaei Youtube: http://youtube.com/bkstaff110
Hold up
Damn somebody get the cam
Looking so good we should be on Instagram
I'm saying somebody better Instagram this [2x]
Uhh um
[Verse 1]
Where the paparazzi at?
Where my fucking cheerleaders?
We just rolled up in this bitch and everybody here sees
I'm a fucking twelve
Eleven on my worst day
Got the girls that got the cakes
It ain't even their birthday
All drinks on me like a Superbowl coach
My whole team is in first class nigga you can roll
We like hold up damn somebody get the cam
We looking so good we should be on Instagram
Cause we famous tonight
Yea we famous tonight [2x]
Now take my fucking picture
That's my crew right there [3x]
Now take their fucking picture
Yea we famous tonight [3x]
Now take my fucking picture
That's my crew right there [3x]
Now take their fucking picture
Somebody better Instagram this I'm saying [3x]
Somebody better hold up
[Verse 2]
We some fucking superstars
Pull up in a stupid car
Next generation shit
Woo John Lupa Card
The place is at capacity
Guess somebody have to leave
My crew is late as fuck
But still we walking in Casually
Five thousand singles
Now all these hoes are single
Got my name stuck in her head
Like a Jingle Bug
You been with her for years
But numbers ain't shit
Acting like you love him
On some Hunger Game shit
Come here
Hold up dam somebody get the cam
We looking so good we should be on Instagram
We famous tonight
Yea we famous tonight [2x]
Now take my fucking picture
That's my crew right there [3x]
Now take their fucking picture
Yea we famous tonight [3x]
Now take my fucking picture
That's my crew right there [3x]
Now take their fucking picture
I'm saying somebody better Instagram this [3x]
I'm saying somebody better
Wait a minute now
Hold up
Somebody get the cam
We looking so good we should be on Instagram
We famous tonight
Yea we famous tonight [2x]
Now take my fucking picture
That's my crew right there [3x]
Now take their fucking picture
Yea we famous tonight [3x]
Now take my fucking picture
That's my crew right there [3x]
Go on and take their fucking picture
Yo somebody better Instagram this