- published: 05 Dec 2016
- views: 28539
A duchy (spelled with capital D when it is part of a country's name or a title of a head of state) is a country, territory, fief, or domain ruled by a duke or duchess. The term is used almost exclusively in Europe, where in present-day there is no sovereign Duchy (i.e. with the status of a nation state) left.
The term "Duke" (resp. "Duchy") should not be confounded with the title "Grand Duke" (resp. "Grand Duchy", such as the present-day Grand Duchy of Luxembourg), as there exists a significant difference of rank between the two.
In common European cultural heritage, a Grand Duke is the third highest monarchic rank, after Emperor and King. Its synonym in many eastern European languages (Russian, Lithuanian etc.) is Grand Prince, whereas most western European languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian etc.) use the expression Grand Duke. Unlike a duke, the sovereign Grand Duke is considered to be part of "Royalty" (i.e. royal nobility, in German: Königsadel). The correct form of address is His Royal Highness (HRH).
Duchy - Naznaczona złem - S06E01 - Lektor PL
Duchy - Duchy z Wiktoriańskiego Domu - S06E04 - Lektor PL
"Duchy z Gettysburga" - film dokumentalny. Lektor PL (PARANORMALNE)
Duchy, demony i zjawy uchwycone na kamerze. Przerażające nagrania wideo
Duchy - S08E10 - Okropna wizja PL Lektor
Duchy, które pojawiają się TYLKO podczas świąt | Strasznie Ciekawe
Duchy, opętania i wampiry! - INNA STRONA YOUTUBA #4
Duchy, demony, zjawy i zjawiska paranormalne uchwycone na kamerze. Przerażające i autentyczne nagrania duchów i zjaw. Duchy atakujące ludzi uchwycone na kamerze. Czy wystarczy ci odwagi, aby obejrzeć do końca? Poniżej linki do poszczególnych filmików: 00:20 - Pojawiająca się za drzwiami głowa 01:14 - Atak ducha na korytarzu 01:43 - Krzyki dochodzące z hotelowego pokoju, w którym nikogo nie zameldowano. Po otwarciu drzwi duch ucieka z pokoju 03:38 - Duch przestawia meble w kuchni i zrzuca kamerę 04:36 - Duch przenosi człowieka do innego pokoju 05:26 - Duch popycha kobietę 05:49 - Duch goni człowieka w parku 06:16 - Atak ducha na korytarzu #2 07:02 - Atak ducha na klatce schodowej 07:52 - Duch bawi się klamką 08:27 - Duch blokuje uciekającej kobiecie drzwi 08:58 - Duch zrzuca towary w sklep...
Oto TOP5 nagrań na których uchwycono zjawiska paranormalne! Zapraszam do oglądania! Subskrybuj i bądź na biężąco: ►►https://goo.gl/aWcG0X Facebook ►►https://goo.gl/AD7W54 Twitter ►►https://goo.gl/Bx8M3t Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...
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Grupa: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wawelkiv2/?fref=ts Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/michalf1yt/?fref=ts Email: presc00m@gmail.com Utwór w tle: Meczup - Blossoming in cementery Źródła: Statek - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GJGgmnYsyM Hotelowy duch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMjrqvMehas Duch w oknie - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6InLucYjugA Cela - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx9WsJWTi60
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Yeah, this is the part where the party get live y'all!
My name is CaTashTraphe for the fellas
But all the ladies, y'all can call me "Rico"
Cuz that's my name
And this is my night tonight
And everybody knows "Rico" got the "HOO!"
I got fly hoes lined up like they gettin free weaves
Who's next to test my sex expertise
Mister All-Nighter, excites ya when he bites ya
Tash be havin bitches crawlin walls like a spider
Cuz you heard me on the radio ya seen me on the TV
If you get my drunk enough I'll eat that pussy like a kiwi
My dick be comin at ya like 3-D glasses
I always get it poppin wit my backstage passes
Tash is, mackalicious, rap style vicous
Can't help you wit your rent but you can help me wit these dishes
My little mistress said
"Tash you look suspicious, what the fuck you thinkin 'bout?"
You know my other bitches
I got it, goin on wit the flowin
I'm the flyest rapper out and ladies wouldn't even know it
(Say what!) This how it's goin, Likwit flowin like fluid
Pimpin ain't easy but somebody gotta do it
How you want it baby? (In the front, in the back)
Do you like it baby? (Yeah I like it like that)
Well we can do it baby, fast, slow, hard or soft
Cuz this is what happens when the lights go off
That nigga "Rico" got "HOO!" 3x
"Rico HOO!"
So fuck wastin half the night tryin to find Miss Right
Me and my niggas start to holler first bitch that's tight (hey!)
My Likwit niggas do it right until the broad day light
The best head I ever got was on a airplane flight
Type to death single minglin that lays the pipe well
It's off from the second I smell that Chanel
Wit steel-belted condoms wit the bulletproof shield
If you ain't got no weed, once I fuck, happy trails (See ya!)
Tash tips the scales at one-seventy-nine
I'm designed to push these lyrics down assembly lines
So my style is blue collar but the ladies still holler
If you sayin I'm a dog, that means you fucked a rottweiler
Top dollar rhyme inker, that's half my appeal
No scars on my grill, nah bitch I'm not Seal
I'm just a fly nigga that likes to keep it real
If you don't feel me yet, keep listenin and you will!
So last of all I'd like to say before I get on my way
Is leave your dike friend wit Tash, the next day she won't be gay
Matter of fact, she'll probably say "Last night, it changed my life"
Cuz I beat it up so good she took me home to meet her wife
Cuz Tash lay the wood so good I leave em screamin
I hurt em by myself so no need to double-team em
I stick em wit the pole till they lose control
But I'm not here to save ya, nah girl that's not my goal
I'm comin outta Cali so you know we don't love ya
Even if you was my girl I would still wear a rubber
Cuz this is how it's goin, Likwit flowin like fluid
Pimpin ain't easy but somebody gotta do it