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Trump Launched Missile Strikes on Syria Without Congressional Authorization

The post-9/11 war authorization is still being used to justify military actions. That’s unconstitutional.

John Nichols

Foreign Policy

The War in Syria Cannot Be Won. But It Can Be Ended.

The left is profoundly divided over the conflict, but we should at least agree on a set of principles to end it.

Phyllis Bennis
Supreme Court

The GOP Has Declared War on Democracy

Going nuclear to confirm Neil Gorsuch is the latest example of how Republicans are thwarting the will of the people.

Ari Berman
Foreign Policy

America Must Choose Diplomacy Over War

This is what a non-imperial, truly internationalist foreign policy would look like.

Phyllis Bennis
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From the Magazine

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The Fight for the soul of france

From Collapse to Mystique

François Hollande failed French Socialists, and France. Emmanuel Macron is promising France a glorious rebirth—but without the “Socialist” label.

Arthur Goldhammer

The Illusions of Disillusion

Marine Le Pen is running on resentment, but is it enough to win her the French presidency?

Cécile Alduy

Le Pen’s Long Shadow

If you want to understand the wave of right-wing populism erupting in Europe and the United States, France is a good place to start.

David A. Bell


Trump’s Courageous, Valiant Decision to Gut Government Worker Safety

Truly admirable: The president has undone regulation ensuring fair pay and safety standards for federal contractors.

Michelle Chen

Jeff Merkley’s Heroic Fight Against Gorsuch Is a Fight For the Constitution

The Oregon senator filibustered for more than 15 hours in order to challenge the awarding of a stolen seat to Trump’s nominee.

John Nichols

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed

A report that originated in the alt-right sewer leads a GOP senator to slur Rice as “the Typhoid Mary of the Obama administration.”

Joan Walsh
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What Did Equality Mean for the Founders?

Three new books on the early republic explore the critical, if contested, role equality has played in shaping American political culture.

Sophia Rosenfeld

Le Pen’s Long Shadow

If you want to understand the wave of right-wing populism erupting in Europe and the United States, France is a good place to start.

David A. Bell

The Red Emigrant

For Isaac Deutscher, exile helped him discover his real community—the internationalist left.

Bruce Robbins

Watch and Listen

View: These Haunting Photos Show the Deadly Absurdity of the US-Mexico Border Wall

A collaboration between photographer Richard Misrach and experimental composer Guillermo Galindo captures the austere brutality of the borderlands.

May 11, 2016

Listen: How To Win a Sports Strike

The Women’s Hockey Strike, the Oakland Raiders move, and Frank Martin.

April 4, 2017

Watch: Clean In: How Hotel Workers Fought For a Union—And Won

A feminism for the 99 percent has been forged by working-class immigrant women who confronted Harvard’s first female president and Sheryl Sandberg.

March 8, 2017
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Take Action

Keep Fighting the Nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court

And hold your senators accountable for their vote on the “nuclear” option. 

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