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Accessing your Twitter data

Reviewing your Twitter data can give you insights into the type of information stored for your account. It provides an easy way for you to view details about your account, and to make changes as you see fit.

What type of information is available to me?

The Your Twitter data account setting provides you with a snapshot of your Twitter account information, including the following:

Account history: Information about the history of your account, such as when and where it was created, and information about the contact information you’ve provided Twitter.

Device history: Information about the devices you have used to access your Twitter account.

Login history: Information about when and where you’ve logged in to your Twitter account. If you see login activity from an app you don’t recognize or that looks suspicious, you can go to the Apps tab in your settings to revoke its access to your Twitter account. The IP location shown is the approximate location of the IP address you used to access Twitter, and it may be different from your physical location.

Other data: From the Your Twitter data setting, you can also access additional information about your account, including the contacts imported from your address book, your entire Tweet history, the apps you have given access to your Twitter account, the Twitter accounts you’ve muted, and the Twitter accounts you’ve blocked. You can find directions for requesting your Twitter archive in this article.

Where can I find my Twitter data?

You can access your account’s data by logging in to your account on the web:

  1. Log in at
  2. Click your profile icon in the top right navigation bar.
  3. Select Settings from the drop-down menu.
  4. From the menu on the left, click Your Twitter data.
  5. Enter your password and click Confirm.

Twitter users may send a request for additional account information to Twitter via our Privacy Form.

What about data requests for civil litigation?

Account holders should utilize the methods outlined above to obtain information about their own accounts whenever possible. Should an account holder require additional information for legal reasons, he or she may submit a legal request (e.g., subpoena or court order) to Twitter as per the following details:

We receive legal requests at the mailing addresses and fax number below:

Twitter Inc.,
c/o Trust and Safety
1355 Market Street, Suite 900
San Francisco, CA 94103

Twitter International Company
c/o Trust & Safety - Legal Policy
One Cumberland Place
Fenian Street
Dublin 2

D02 AX07

Fax: 1-415-222-9958

Twitter, Inc. is located in San Francisco, California, and responds to legal process for actions pending outside of California when issued by one of the Superior Courts of California pursuant to the Interstate and International Depositions and Discovery Act, Cal. Civ. Proc. § 2029, or from a United States federal court pursuant to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

Acceptance of legal process by facsimile is for our convenience only and does not waive any objections, including the lack of jurisdiction or proper service.

What if I have more questions about my Twitter data?

If you have questions about your Twitter data, you can submit a question to us through our Privacy Form.