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Republika y'u Burundi
République du Burundi
Républik Burundi
Bandéra Burundi Lambang Burundi
"Ubumwe, Ibikorwa, Iterambere"(Basa Kirundi)
"Unité, Travail, Progrès"(Basa Perancis)
"Kahijian, Gawé, Kamajuan" 1
Burundi bwacu
(Burundi Urang)
Location of Burundi
Lokasi  Burundi  (paul kolot)

– di Afrika  (paul ngora & kulawu kolor)
– di Uni Afrika  (paul ngora)  —  [Legenda]

Ibu kota
(jeung kota panggedéna)
3°30′S 30°00′E
Basa resmi Basa Kirundi, Basa Perancis
Démonim Burundian
Pamaréntah Républik
 -  Présidén Pierre Nkurunziza
 -  Wakil Présidén I Terence Sinunguruza
 -  Wakil Présidén II Gervais Rufyikiri
Kamerdikaan ti Bélgia 
 -  Kaping 1 Juli 1962 
 -  Total 27.834 km² (ka-145)
10.745 mil² 
 -  Cai (%) 7,8
 -  Perkiraan  2011 10.216.190[1] (ka-89)
 -  Sénsus 2008 8.053.574[2] 
 -  Kapadetan 367,0 /km² (ka-45)
836,5 /mil²
GDP (PPP) Perkiraan 2010
 -  Total $3,397 milyar[3] 
 -  Per kapita $410[3] 
GDP (nominal) Perkiraan 2010
 -  Total $1,489 milyar[3] 
 -  Per kapita $180[3] 
Gini? (1998) 42,4[4] (sedeng
HDI (2010) Green Arrow Up Darker.svg 0,282 (handap) (ka-166)
Mata uang Franc Burundi (FBu) (BIF)
Zona wanci CAT (UTC+2)
 -  Usum panas (DST) teu kaobsérvasi (UTC+2)
TLD Internét .bi
Kode telepon +257
1 Saméméh 1966, "Ganza Sabwa".
2 Pakiraan dumasar kana régrési; inohong PPP nu lian diékstrapolasi ti Program Pabandingan Internasioanl pikeun pakiraan bandingan.

Burundi, resmina Républik Burundi (Basa Kirundi: Republika y'u Burundi; Basa Prancis: République du Burundi), nyaéta hiji nagara nu dilingkung di wewengkon Dano-Dano Garedé di Afrika Wétan, tepung wates jeung Rwanda di kalér, Tanzania di wétan jeung kidul, sarta Républik Démokratik Kongo di kulon. Ibu kotana nyaéta Bujumbura. Sanajan nagara ieu mangrupa nagara nu dilingkung, kalobaanana wates kidul-kulon nepi ka Dano Tanganyika.

Propinsi[édit | édit sumber]

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 Artikel utama: Propinsi di Burundi.

Burundi dibagi kana 17 propinsi, nyaéta:

Catetan[édit | édit sumber]

  1. CIA – The World Factbook – Burundi CIA. Ditarima 8 Juni 2008.
  2. 3rd general census (2008)
  3. a b c d "Burundi". International Monetary Fund. Diakses pada 21 April 2011. 
  4. "Distribution of family income – Gini index". The World Factbook. CIA. Diakses pada 1 Séptémber 2009. 

Réferénsi[édit | édit sumber]

  • Allen, J.A.; et al. (2003). Africa South of the Sahara 2004: South of the Sahara. New York, New York: Taylor and Francis Group. ISBN 1857431839. 
  • Cook, Chris; Diccon Bewes (1999). What Happened Where: A Guide to Places and Events in Twentieth-Century. London, England: Routledge. ISBN 1857285336. 
  • Dinham, Barbara; Colin Hines (1984). Agribusiness in Africa. Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press. ISBN 0865430039. 
  • Eggers, Ellen K. (2006). Historical Dictionary of Burundi. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, Incorporated. ISBN 0810853027.  3rd. edition.
  • Gates, Henry Lewis; Anthony Appiah (1999). Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience. New York, New York: Basic Civitas Books. ISBN 0465000711. 
  • Jessup, John E. (1998). An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Conflict and Conflict Resolution, 1945–1996. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 0313281122. 
  • Krueger, Ambassador Robert.; Kathleen Tobin Krueger (2007). From Bloodshed to Hope in Burundi: Our Embassy Years during Genocide. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. ISBN 0292714866. 
  • MacDonald, Fiona; et al. (2001). Peoples of Africa. Tarrytown, New York: Marshall Cavendish. ISBN 0761471588. 
  • Puddington, Arch (2007). Freedom in the World: The Annual Survey of Political Rights and Civil Liberties. Syracuse University: Lanham, Maryland. ISBN 0742558975. 
  • Weinstein, Warren; Robert Schrere (1976). Political Conflict and Ethnic Strategies: A Case Study of Burundi. Syracuse University: Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. ISBN 0915984202. 
  • Weinstein, Warren (2006). Historical Dictionary of Burundi. Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, Incorporated. ISBN 0810809621.  1st. edition.

Bacaan salejengna[édit | édit sumber]

  • Abdallah, Ahmedou Ould Burundi on the Brink, 1993-95: A UN Special Envoy Reflects on Preventive Diplomacy
  • Bentley, Kristina and Southall, Roger An African Peace Process: Mandela, South Africa, and Burundi
  • Chrétien, Jéan-Pierre The Great Lakes of Africa: Two Thousand Years of History
  • Daley, Patricia Gender and Genocide in Burundi: The Search for Spaces of Peace in the Great Lakes Region
  • Ewusi, Kale and Akwanga, Ebenezer Burundi's Negative Peace: The Shadow of a Broken Continent in the Era of Nepad
  • Jennings, Christian Across the Red River: Rwanda, Burundi and the Heart of Darkness
  • Kidder, Tracy, Strength in What Remains (Hiji biografi ngeunaan saurang imigran Burundi di Amérika Sarikat)
  • Krueger, Robert and Krueger, Kathleen From Bloodshed to Hope in Burundi: Our Embassy Years during Genocide
  • Lemarchand, Rene Burundi: Ethnic Conflict and Genocide
  • Melady, Thomas Patrick Burundi: The Tragic Years
  • Nivonzima, David and Fendell, Len Unlocking Horns: Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Burundi
  • Uvin, Peter Life After Violence: A People's Story of Burundi
  • Watt, Nigel Burundi: The Biography of a Small African Country

Tumbu kaluar[édit | édit sumber]

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