Monday, November 17, 2014

Osiel Cardenas Nephew sentenced to 20 years in Texas

Borderland Beat My San Antonio by Jason Brusch and Valley Central
A federal judge sentenced Rafael Cardenas Vela, a one-time Gulf Cartel plaza boss and the nephew of
the cartel's  former leader, to 20 years in prison Monday in Brownsville.

Cardenas Vela, 41,had previously pleaded guilty to conspiring to possess with intent to distribute more than five kilograms of cocaine and more than 1,000 kilograms of marijuana.

He was one of several Gulf Cartel plaza bosses arrested in the Rio Grande Valley in the fall of 2011 as the gang’s upper echelons tried to slip across the border to escape internal conflict in Mexico.

Agents arrested Cardenas Vela in October 2011 in Port Isabel. He later testified against childhood-friend-turned rival Juan Roberto Rincon in Rincon’s 2012 trial.

A federal judge also ordered Cardenas Vela to pay a $100,000 fine. Prosecutors are asking for a $5 million money judgment against him as well as a house they say he owns in Brownsville.

Cardenas Vela is the nephew of Osiel Cardenas Guillen,  the Gulf Cartel’s former boss who was extradited to the U.S. in 2007, and Antonio Cardenas Guillen, Osiel’s brother and successor who was killed in Matamoros, Mexico, in 2010.

Cardenas Vela acted as the plaza boss, the overseer of cartel operations in a region, for several cities during his career, including Matamoros, the gang’s base, according to federal prosecutors.

 Plea Deal

Court records show that "El Junior" received  a reduced sentenced due to a plea deal and his cooperation with federal investigators.

During his sentencing, Judge Hanen heard how Cardenas-Vela had testified for three days in the drug trafficking trial of Juan Roberto Rincon-Rincon.

Rincon-Rincon was a former high-ranking plaza boss for the Gulf Cartel in Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas.

During that trial, Cardenas-Vela described the command and control structure of the Gulf Cartel between 2002 and his arrest in 2011 as well as the creation of the Zetas drug trafficking organization and its’ split from the Gulf Cartel.

Big thanks to "Pepe" for the heads up


  1. attention admin During the announcement made by Murillo Karam about the incineration he said that the bodies were burned with diesel and tires at 1,600 degrees Celsius, however according to Palacios, metal melts at 2,500 degrees Celsius.
    Based on that, the landfill should be full of metal fragments from the tires since according to Palacios each body should have required four to five tires to incinerate.

  2. So Junior got 20?He opened up wide the workings of the Gulf,how plazas work,how the plaza chief virtually takes over and gives the heads up to the municipal authorities and tells the police when and where to operate.It was very interesting what he revealed about the way it works and the reasons why he"Juan Rincon-Rincon=Primo,ComandanteX-5""Jose Luis Zuniga= ComandanteW,Wicho"and the rest all baled to the US to save their asses.What a joke..More on Cardenas Vela from BB...

  3. 20 years will do for now for the rat fuck. With any luck someone will shank his murdering ass in prison.

  4. Mochomo was extradited on Saturday to the USA. I've been wondering what was up with his eminent release. now i know....he plead not guilty on Monday at his arraignment

  5. Ultimately a smart move to come to the U.S. He would've been whacked in Tamaulipas. In a U.S. pen, he's going to get three hots and a cot, free medical care, and 24/7 security. He probably won't serve the full 20. Will get out in 15, when he is 55, and live out his days in Texas.

    1. You are probably right in your assessment. Unfortunately.

    2. They need to put this scum in the general population in the state prison, not the federal pen.. That will make a (wo)man out of him.

  6. Replies
    1. Great reply love it what a joke my obamacare cost me than my old insurance

    2. What the fuck does that have to do with the border?

    3. Nothing...Just whining.Yeah, you paid for everyone with your little insurance boollshit,political persuasion boils down to money for every phony.

  7. This story tells me how scared the plaza bosses were of the Zeta hit men. A lot of Golfos fled Mexico to escape from the carnage. I thought only the narco wives and children did that not the men. Goes to show you that the Golfo higher ups had no heart. It also explains why the Zetaz took so much terroritory from the Golfos so fast.

    1. He was fleeing metros, he was a rojo

    2. No he was not fleeing Los Rojos. In fact, Comandante 900 wanted to remove from the leadership El Coss because he suspected that El Coss have up his uncle Tony Tormenta to the Marina. Comandante 900 along with Metro 4 both where investigating the death of El Metro 3 but 900 was captured.

    3. Thats right bro,it had nothing to do with Zetaz.All internal in the war with Coss/Cardenas/Metros/Rojos etc,Comandante X-5,Comandante Wicho thought they were cool until Coss told them they were in deep shit and had no more sicarios to send,and Cardenas/Rojos were sending over 100 sicarios to fuck them up

    4. Actually in the first t topones in control wichos people or grupo xw fucked up cyclones left and right... after that x20 send 100 of his men and cardenas send all the cyclones to kick wicho out of control that's when he fled after coss told him r enforcement would take a while kuz Guerra from vallehermoso was in a gun battle with the Marines n had no people

  8. Good . Throw them a little bone to cooperate . All these damn criminals are RATS . Any man that will kill you will do anything to you . Honor among these RATS drug gangsters ? Bullshit everyone of them can be turned . The do not understand honor or they wouldn't do what they do . How long will they serve of 240 months ? Anybody know ?

    1. One generally does 85% of federal time, and then supervised release.


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