Native title mediation: issues identified, lessons learnt: proceedings and findings of IFaMP workshops with native title mediators, February and March 2005


Fleur Kingham

Toni Bauman

Jun, 2005
Product type: 
Research outputs
Volume title: 
Indigenous Facilitation and Mediation Project
Volume number: 
Report No. 5

The Native Title Act emphasises agreement-making through non-adversarial approaches such as mediation, facilitation and negotiation. This report is an overview of two workshops with native title mediators co-ordinated by the AIATSIS Indigenous Facilitation and Mediation Project in 2005.

The workshops, with native title mediation practitioners, were funded by the Office of Indigenous Policy Co-ordination (OIPC) in the Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FACSIA) and the National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT). Discussions in the workshops focussed firstly on identifying best practice in Indigenous decision-making and conflict management processes in native title; and, secondly, on identifying the training issues that arise from best practice.