Native title and governance: The emerging corporate sector prescribed for Native Title holders

issue paper cover

Jessica Weir

Jul, 2007
Research project: 
Product type: 
Issues paper
Volume title: 
Native title and governance: The emerging corporate sector prescribed for Native Title holders
Volume number: 

Prescribed Bodies Corporates (PBCs) are a corporate body designed for the Native Titles sector. Native title holders are required under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) to hold and manage their Native Title rights and interests through the establishment of a PBC. In this paper, I find that PBCs are an important new form of Indigenous governance which is thwarted by the complicated and cluttered PBC governance context. To do this I review Indigenous governance issues, with a focus on the Native Title context. My discussion includes the recent Federal Government reforms and policy recommendations that are designed to support more efficient PBCs.

Journal title: 
Land, rights, laws: Issues of Native Title