Anthropology and connection reports in Native Title claim applications

issues paper cover

Dr Julie Finlayson

Aug, 2001
Product type: 
Issues paper
Volume title: 
Anthropology and connection reports in Native Title claim applications
Volume number: 

Queensland and Western Australia require Connection Reports to establish the relationship between claimants and the land claimed.

Dr Julie Finlayson considers three essential questions for anyone involved with Native Title: What is a connection report and what is its purpose? What anthropological considerations impact on connection reports? What are the emerging issues with regard to connection reports? This paper discusses the purposes and form of the reports, their differentiation from the NNTT registration process, considerations anticipating litigation, confidentiality and potential conflicts of interest by the State as respondent.

A shortened form of this paper was presented at Negotiating Country, National Native Title Tribunal Forum, Custom House, Brisbane, August 2001.

Journal title: 
Land, rights, laws: Issues of Native Title