
Elissa Blake

Elissa Blake is an Arts Writer.

Playwrite Kate Mulvany (centre) with actors Hamish Michael (left) and John Gaden  on the set of <i>The Rasputin Affair</i>.

From Russia with laughs

"He was like the Terminator," says Kate Mulvany of Rasputin ahead of her new play The Rasputin Affair. "It's like he was unkillable."

Artist Alex Gawronski and his work for The National: New Australian Art at the Art Gallery of NSW.

Mix'n'match switcheroo leaves art lovers guessing

If it looks like it doesn't belong, that is a good thing, says artist Alex Gawronski on the eve of The National: New Australian Art 2017, a ground-breaking three-way collaboration between the Museum Contemporary of Art, the Art Gallery of NSW and Carriageworks.

(Left to right) Moreblessing Maturur, Chantelle Jamieson and Rebecca Montalti in <i>Fallen</i>.

Fallen women question the system

Novelist Charles Dickens hand-picked "fallen" women to be reformed and sent to Australia. A new Australian play explores the hardships these young women experienced.