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An elderly woman collapsed at a bench in Braybrook while onlookers ignored her.
media_cameraAn elderly woman collapsed at a bench in Braybrook while onlookers ignored her.

Bystanders slammed for not helping sick elderly woman at Braybrook bus stop

A GOOD Samaritan has slammed bystanders who ignored an elderly woman who collapsed at a bus stop in Melbourne’s inner west this morning.

The woman, believed to be in her 80s, collapsed at a bus stop in Churchill Ave in Braybrook about 11.30am.

Witness Alejandra, who did not want her last name printed, rushed to help the woman while more than a dozen people ignored her.

Alejandra said she was waiting for her husband and was “shocked” that people watched on but did nothing to help the woman.

media_cameraIt was only after bystanders had ignored the elderly woman when an ambulance was called.

She said there was at least four people at the bus stop plus at least 10 more people who walked past.

“They were just there and could see her, why did they do nothing? Even the bus driver did not stop (to help),” she said.

The good Samaritan said she called an ambulance once she realised people standing at the busy bus stop had done nothing.

“She was clutching her heart, looked pale and was shaking so I knew something was wrong straight away,” she said.

Ambulance Victoria confirmed a woman had been taken to hospital in a stable condition.