Organization Information:

3764 Skyfarm Dr
Santa Rosa, California- 95403-0982
Phone: 707-540-6125
Fax: 707-540-6125

Organization Contact:

Contact Office: Operations
Name: Sandie Lewis , Operations Manager
Phone: 707-575-4712
Fax: 707-324-6050

Corporate Officer:

Corporate Officer: Martyn Lewis , Principal
Phone: 707-575-4712
Fax: 707-324-6050

Safe Harbor Information:

Original Certification: 8/5/2013
U.S.-Swiss Certified Through 8/5/2015

Personal Information Received from the EU/EEA and/or Switzerland:
Personal data, such as name, email address, physical (office) location and, in some situations, gender will be collected from 3g Selling LLC's customers/clients in order to register individuals for live virtual training programs delivered over the internet. Access to this confidential data is restricted to company's personnel who require access to this information for their duties. All such personal data is encrypted and password protected. When the data is no longer required to be kept, it is deleted from the system, or shredded, if received from client in physical format. All personnel are notified of their responsibilities to keep the data secure; not disclose to any third party. All information technology systems that company's personnel used is protected by currently available commercial virus/malware software and conduct virus scans on a regular basis. Commercially available and reliable encryption software is used to password protect and encrypt the received personal data.
Privacy Policy Effective: 7/16/2013

Regulated By: Federal Trade Commission

Privacy Programs:

Verification: Third Party

Dispute Resolution:

Personal Data Covered: Client/Customer contact information such as name, email address, mailing address, phone number. Information about their business such as company name, company size, business type. May be online or data received offline.
Organization Human Resource Data Covered: No
Agrees to Cooperate and Comply with the EU and/or Swiss Data Protection Authorities: Yes

Relevant Countries from which Personal Information is Received:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Industry Sectors:
Education & Training - (EDS)