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Tom Warren
Senior Editor at The Verge. Primarily focused on Microsoft news and reviews. Tips: Telegram at tomwarren, or Twitter DM.
Tom Warren 1h
then I'd have to walk home with it, when it can be delivered to my door :)
Tom Warren 5h
Amazon, saving the rainforest one massive package at a time
Tom Warren 5h
Wikileaks iOS exploits? 🤔
Tom Warren 5h
haha, indeed
Tom Warren 6h
yeah it's always O2 wifi
Tom Warren 6h
doesn't seem to work as intended for me. I think it's because some networks identify differently
Tom Warren 6h
doesn't woek
Tom Warren 6h
How is it 2017 and the iPhone still automatically connects to WiFi networks that don't work instead of using LTE
Tom Warren 6h
Tom Warren 7h
Tom Warren 7h
what happens in your living room Liam?
Tom Warren 7h
So the CIA managed to break into Samsung's TV to record conversations. Imagine what it's doing to Amazon's Echo devices
Tom Warren 7h
Microsoft is closing its Socl network next week
Tom Warren 17h
ahh I hope that fixes it. It's kinda bad. I'm using 6S+ and Apple Watch
Tom Warren 17h
nah just regular updates
Tom Warren 18h
I use it for transport and payments. Everywhere accepts it in london and I leave my house with just my watch to pay for things
Tom Warren 18h
oh absolutely, but that respect would have been higher a couple of seasons ago
Tom Warren 18h
Jesus no
Tom Warren 20h
Arsenal just lost 10-2 on aggregate. I've said this before but come on
Tom Warren 20h
Tom Warren 20h
who would stand behind a dead platform? I don't get this logic
Tom Warren 20h
because I bought AirPods for £159 and use an iPhone and Apple Watch on a daily basis? You make so much sense
Tom Warren 20h
maybe. Do you have an Apple Watch tho?
Tom Warren 20h
maybe. Do you have an Apple Watch tho?
Tom Warren 20h
Arsenal are just straight up embarrassing
Tom Warren 22h
do you use an Apple Watch too?
Tom Warren 22h
maybe I have a bad pair. I'm gonna take them back next week to find out
Tom Warren 22h
doubt it?
Tom Warren 22h
Not impressed with Apple's AirPods. Crackly audio regularly when I'm traveling around. Sometimes it cuts out fully. I don't recommend them
Tom Warren 23h
Microsoft's Slack competitor to launch next week