GeoTrust Secured Seal
Your personal info is safe
Your personal data is safe

We have a database of over 200,000 subscribers; we only collect data we require to provide the best possible service to you. We do not sell or share your information.

Bank-level Security
Bank-level Security

We use 256-bit secure socket layer (SSL) technology - the same level banks and brokers use to safeguard you and your financial data.

Bullet proof Protection
Bulletproof Protection

Our website is secured by, Symantec-owned, Geo Trust SSL. Ensuring protection from identity theft, credit card fraud, spam and malicious software.

End-to-end Encryption
End-to-end Encryption

We use strong cryptography to ensure that all your data and information is fully protected.


InvestSMART's free Portfolio Manager allows comprehensive monitoring of your shares, funds, superannuation, property, cash & other assets and provides you with the following features:

Easy to Use

A simple to use portfolio manager that is designed to help everyday Australians track all their financial assets in one location.

News & Research

Access to news and research to keep you informed on the latest developments that affect your financial holdings and decisions.

Track Performance

Ensure your investments are on track to achieve your financial goals. Monitor the performance of your investments with our price updates.

Dividends & Fund Distributions

Track dividends or distributions you receive from your investments, making it easy to track your income from your holdings.

Asset Allocation

Get a clear picture of your portfolio and your level of diversification across different asset classes and geographies.

Alerts Daily, Weekly

The ability to set daily or weekly email alerts so you can stay keep up to date on the performance of your investments.