- published: 07 Apr 2015
- views: 474773
The SKS is a Soviet semi-automatic carbine chambered for the 7.62×39mm round, designed in 1943 by Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov. Its complete designation, SKS-45, is an initialism for Samozaryadnyj Karabin sistemy Simonova, 1945 (Russian: Самозарядный карабин системы Симонова, 1945; Self-loading Carbine of (the) Simonov system, 1945). In the early 1950s, the Soviets took the SKS carbine out of front-line service and replaced it with the AK-47; however, the SKS remained in second-line service for decades. It is still used as a ceremonial firearm today. The SKS was widely exported, and was also produced by some former Eastern Bloc nations as well as China, where it was designated the "Type 56 Carbine", East Germany as the Karabiner S and in North Korea as the "Type 63". The SKS is currently popular on the civilian surplus market as a hunting and marksmanship semi-automatic rifle in many countries, including the United States, Canada, and New Zealand. Its age and numbers make it very inexpensive to purchase. The SKS was the second firearm after the RPD chambered for the 7.62×39mm M43 round, which was later used for the AK-47.
Chinese Norinco SKS
SKS (Russian Model)
SKS complete review and history with Jerry Miculek (4K UHD)
SKS: Economical and Practical Choice for a Survivalist
Yugo SKS Rifles With New Archangel Mags!
SKS : Prepper Rifle & Tapco Upgrades
SKS-Mud Test
SKS Rifle Review
SKS 7.62x39 Rifle - Why You Should Buy One
SKS - Still A Viable Platform???
In this video we showcase the Chinese Norinco SKS. This particular rifle is a commercial import which never saw military use such as the Chinese Type 56 rifles did. Occasionally these rifles can be found in pristine condition, all matching with the original stocks. A lot of people frown upon the SKS as a sub par rifle in form and function, but we beg to differ...they are great short range rifles that are lightweight, accurate, of moderate caliber, easy to handle with a very simple and intuitive manual of arms. Also, don't think that because this was made in China that is is junk, the Chinese make an exceptional SKS. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE! http://www.iraqveteran8888.com Shirts & other Apparel: http://www.1776united.com Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/iraqveteran8888official ...
Shooting and discussion of the SKS. This one happens to be the Russian Model SKS. -------------------- PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE DESCRIPTION---------------------We appreciate the INCREDIBLE support we get from BUD’s GUN SHOP, FEDERAL PREMIUM, and SONORAN DESERT INSTITUTE. They enable us to do the things we do. I hope you will support the people who assist us; you know where and how to find them! Federal Premium: http://www.federalpremium.com/ https://www.facebook.com/federalpremiumammo SDI (Sonoran Desert Institute) : http://www.sdi.edu/ R4 Outdoors Phone App: http://www.r4outdoors.com/ UPCOMING “MEET & GREETS” No “meet & greets” scheduled at this time, other than our “meeting” you and “greeting” you in every video right there on your computer or TV screen. We will update th...
In it's most complete review yet, Jerry takes the classic 7.62x39 SKS and tests its close quarters rapid fire capabilities as well as accuracy up to 400 meters and the history of the ammunition and platform! http://www.Miculek.com LIKE JERRY ON FACEBOOK!: http://on.fb.me/16xFGNd LIKE LENA ON FACEBOOK!: http://on.fb.me/1dOzf7I
The SKS is a Soviet semi-automatic carbine chambered for the 7.62×39mm round, designed in 1943 by Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov. Its complete designation, SKS-45, is an initialism for Samozaryadnyj Karabin sistemy Simonova, 1945 (Russian: Самозарядный карабин системы Симонова, 1945; Self-loading Carbine of (the) Simonov system, 1945), or SKS 45. In the early 1950s, the Soviets took the SKS carbine out of front-line service and replaced it with the AK-47; however, the SKS remained in second-line service for decades. It is still used as a ceremonial arm today. The SKS was widely exported, and was also produced by some former Eastern Bloc nations as well as China, where it was designated the "Type 56", East Germany as the Karabiner S and in North Korea as the "Type 63". The SKS is currently pop...
Sensible Prepper Presents:"SKS: Prepper Rifle & Tapco Upgrades" The SKS is a dependable carbine and great for Home Defense, Adding a number of upgrades can bring this rifle into the 21st Century and make a solid Survival rifle. A Special thanks to Tapco for supplying the accessories. http://www.tapco.com/ Thanks for watching~ Sootch00 Music: "Heroic Hymn" Pond 5
Fun Gun Reviews Presents: The SKS Rifle Review. A classic 7.62x39 Semi-Automatic 10 rd Box fed Carbine of Soviet design that is a favorite among U.S. Shooters and Collectors. Sootch00 T-Shirt: http://www.1791apparel.com/collections/store/products/sootch00 Thanks for watching~ Sootch00 Music: "Classical Guitar" Pond 5
To be running so far away
To rely on the perfect stranger
True colours they suffer with age
One look at the storm and fly straight on in
To the rain and thunder
Fool lover swept under the tide
The storm was gathering around them
He cast her off and put to sea
Well, he'd found somebody new to steer him
Through his dream
She sailed him all around her coastline
Every inlet every bay
And though he knew it then
He was too afraid to say it One day all alone he waited
The silence crept beneath his door
And as the room grew dark he knew
She's come no more
Drifting in the dead of night
Show me landfall give me light