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Vaginal Seeding: What, why and is it worth it?

Jane Barry

Put the words ‘vaginal’ and ‘seeding’ together and you may be left feeling a little queasy. But how many of us actually understand what it’s all about? Expert midwife, Jane Barry explains.

Table of contents

Vaginal Seeding: What, why and is it worth it?


We all have thousands of bacteria living on and in us. Some are good, some aren’t - but many of the good ones help in a multitude of ways to support good health and boost our immunity.

Interestingly, it’s only been in the last few years that we’ve come to embrace our little germ friends and change our thinking that any bacteria in near vicinity were positively evil and must be killed off. Especially near our precious babies! Fortunately though, once again, science has come to our aid.This time, helping us to understand more about perhaps why we need to embrace some of our most special microscopic pathogens.

next - What is the microbiome anyway?