  1. 4月5日
  2. 4月3日

    Big-Bindi Brigade Was All Alone DEFENDING Ishrat Jahan -The Suicide Bomber . SHAMELESS Sick RETARDS -Are Blot For Our Nation .

  3. 4月4日

    His words 100+ yrs later still ring true the have not changed from then to now so we just have 2 make sure they don't get power

  4. 4小时前

    Love Him To Much Power and Control There is a War To Control Our Minds/Thinking

  5. 15分钟前

    Does anyone with a working brain think Harry Reid would balk at doing this, or anything else to promo his agenda?

  6. 1小时前

    Dear Mr.Smash Please make the book hard cover! Just in case it needs to be thrown to a There's a few out here in HooterVille.

  7. 3小时前

    out know what group took over Austin. Great TX city turned . PPL moving to TX avoid Austin

  8. 5小时前

    Because both and reps are mutually sold out Lock Stock & Barrel to the .

  9. 9小时前

    Whu does the keep letting the win all the time.

  10. 13小时前
  11. 21小时前

    this "actor" grows a beard, pretends he knows something we care about, he knows squat, nada, nothing...shut up

  12. 4月5日
  13. 4月5日

    nobody gives a crap about what that low end says

  14. 4月5日

    They get it in the Middle East only people not getting are the there listening to and believe it hook line and sinker

  15. 4月5日

    newspaper al-Chourouk [ approved] claims chemical attack was bombing of "terrorist CW factory"

  16. 4月5日

    hey Liz how about starting w ur staff? Typical "Do as i say...not as i do" 😡

  17. 4月4日

    attitudes towards , based on how much replaces ethics.

  18. 4月4日

    The response to impeach is baseless, and everyone can see how and devoid of justifiable cause it really is.

  19. 4月3日

    Very true sir. South Indian music composer belongs to community, staunch bakht. sympathizers hate him.

  20. 4月2日

    . coffee house until they get rid of those punch cards. would NEVER have done using DEMS pictures


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