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  1. hace 9 horas
  2. 3 abr.
  3. hace 22 horas
  4. hace 14 minutos

    Does anyone with a working brain think Harry Reid would balk at doing this, or anything else to promo his agenda?

  5. hace 1 hora
    En respuesta a

    Dear Mr.Smash Please make the book hard cover! Just in case it needs to be thrown to a There's a few out here in HooterVille.

  6. hace 4 horas

    Love Him To Much Power and Control There is a War To Control Our Minds/Thinking

  7. hace 5 horas
    En respuesta a

    Because both and reps are mutually sold out Lock Stock & Barrel to the .

  8. hace 9 horas
    En respuesta a

    Whu does the keep letting the win all the time.

  9. hace 13 horas
  10. 5 abr.

    nobody gives a crap about what that low end says

  11. 5 abr.
    En respuesta a

    They get it in the Middle East only people not getting are the there listening to and believe it hook line and sinker

  12. 5 abr.
  13. 5 abr.
  14. 5 abr.
  15. 4 abr.

    His words 100+ yrs later still ring true the have not changed from then to now so we just have 2 make sure they don't get power

  16. 4 abr.

    attitudes towards , based on how much replaces ethics.

  17. 3 abr.

    Big-Bindi Brigade Was All Alone DEFENDING Ishrat Jahan -The Suicide Bomber . SHAMELESS Sick RETARDS -Are Blot For Our Nation .

  18. 3 abr.

    Moreno declared winner in Ecuador presidential race via -

  19. 3 abr.
    En respuesta a

    Very true sir. South Indian music composer belongs to community, staunch bakht. sympathizers hate him.

  20. 2 abr.

    . coffee house until they get rid of those punch cards. would NEVER have done using DEMS pictures

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