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What you need to know about the war for super

Have you seen the scary new TV ad opposing the government's plans for super?

A gloved hand opens the gate to the hen house and lets the foxes in, while a child is tucked up in bed.

"The big banks want to get their hands on your super," intones a voice over, backed by ominous music. "... And they're putting pressure on the federal politicians to let them in. Banks aren't super."

The ad is by Industry Super Australia and depending on your point of view, it's either a timely warning to everyday Australians or a blatant attempt to manipulate public opinion to protect their own interests.

There's a fight brewing. In one corner you have the not-for-profit industry funds, in the other the government cheered on by the for-profit bank-dominated funds. 


The issue came to a head last week when the Productivity Commission issued a draft report into alternative default models.

You may have seen it in the news and you're wondering what's what. You may even think you know.

The problem is there are a lot of vested interests on both sides keen to misrepresent the situation for their own ends.

The industry funds point out, correctly, that they've outperformed retail funds on average by a significant degree over the past two decades.

They want you to think the fight is about the Libs wanting to weaken the unions and let their mates at the banks get a bigger bite of superannuation - and there's a grain of truth to that.

But in order to invoke the bogeyman, the industry funds haven't acknowledged the good ideas or explored the nuance.  

The truth is there are no proposals in the report that would compel anyone to use a bank-run fund, nor to force anyone with an existing super account to move funds.

Meanwhile, the government and banks are keen to promote this as an argument about "choice". Who could argue with that?

Financial services minister Kelly O'Dwyer hammered home this point during an interview with ABC Radio last week.

"It is broadly a question of choice," O'Dwyer said. "And it's allowing people who are covered by enterprise bargaining agreements and workplace determinations to choose where their money goes. We think that that's a fundamental right that people should be allowed to choose. It's their savings after all."

This is a red herring.

It's true that not everyone gets to choose where their employer super contributions go, though everyone can move their existing balance from one fund to another.

But most employees get to choose their fund, and the Productivity Commission admits as much.

It's previously been estimated about one in five super fund members are still restricted from choosing their fund.

Quite clearly that should change, but this could be fixed easily and quickly.graph looking at size of the superannuation market

It has nothing to do with the Productivity Commission's proposals to change default arrangements for those people who don't want to choose a fund.

There are a few things you need to know about the Productivity Commission report.

First, there's a good chance the proposals don't personally affect you, especially if you're reading this column. More than three quarters of the money held in superannuation are already in funds chosen by members, including a large proportion in self-managed super.

If you have chosen your superannuation fund, this does not directly affect you. The proposals are only about default super for people don't choose a fund and are allocated one instead.

Second, it's true that the process has been stacked against industry funds, though O'Dwyer denies this.

Currently the default accounts are set through the industrial relations system.

The report puts forward alternative models such as letting employees or employers choose from a list of "good" funds or letting funds tender to be the default for a certain time period or sector of the market.

However, the flaw is that the report does not assess the current system or compare its new models against the status quo. This is deliberate because the government did not ask it to in its terms of reference.

If the government wanted an unbiased approach, it would have asked the Productivity Commission to benchmark against the current system.

Instead the alternative models have been benchmarked against a hypothetical system of no default options, where consumers are forced to choose without any assistance. This is a strawman because it's being proposed by nobody, and the commission describes it as "not an alternative model in its own right".

The Productivity Commission does say it will review the current system at a later stage, but making it a separate issue is likely to impede proper analysis, and give political cover for the government to do whatever it wants to do.

Third, the idea to end the proliferation of multiple accounts has merit. The Grattan Institute has previously estimated there are two accounts for every super member, which means those members are paying higher costs through fixed fees and duplication of insurance policies.

The report proposes that employees only be allocated into a default fund once, rather than every time they start a job. The members are still free to change their fund.

This is an excellent idea. Note, it could be adopted without any change to the system of allocating default funds through the industrial relations system.

Fourth, the best proposal is to create a centralised online information service, similar to in New Zealand.

The idea of a single default fund could only happen if this central clearing house is created because it would be the method for letting companies see if the new employee already has an account.

There's another reason it's interesting: the Productivity Commission says it would make it easier for the Tax Office to ensure companies comply with paying compulsory super for staff.

Now that's something worth exploring. Non-payment of super is a big problem, especially for lower paid and younger workers.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is editor of Money and a regular columnist for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Find her on Facebook or Twitter