
Anamshakia and friends showing harvest of their dry season gardening in Biambong, Ghana

Ghana has made tremendous progress in reducing poverty in recent decades. But its success has been uneven and significant inequalities still exist, especially between the south and the north where majority of the population lives on less than $1 a day. Around 24.2% of the national population live below the poverty line.

Oxfam in Ghana

We aim to reduce poverty and inequality by supporting influencing and advocacy around three interconnected topics; agriculture, essential services and extractive industry governance.

Agriculture: The agricultural sector employs over 41% of the active population.  Through our econmic justice program, we support farmers’ livelihoods by helping them to adapt to climate change, improving their access to equipment and by advocating for targeted investment in agriculture.

Essential services: With partner organizations we are campaigning for free healthcare for all Ghanaians. We are also working to reduce maternal mortality by training Traditional Birth Attendants and Community Health Volunteers to help pregnant women access health care.

Extractive industry Governance: We are working with other Civil Society Organizations to promote accountability and to demand that the government uses Ghana’s significant mineral wealth to support development in poor and vulnerable communities  

Read our blog posts on Ghana