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25 Million

People around the world benefited directly from our programmes last year

9 Million

People were supported in 39 emergencies around the world


People challenged ideas and made a difference by taking action

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People in South Sudan are facing a famine and are being pushed to the brink of survival.

Please consider a donation to our Hunger Crisis Appeal today.

what we're doing

Celebrating International Women's Day 2017

Stories of hope for International Women's Day

To mark International Women's Day 2017, we take a look at some of the inspirational women we have the privilege of working with around the world.

Food crisis in Africa

Hunger Crisis Appeal: major food shortages across Africa

I am Colm Byrne, Oxfam’s humanitarian programme manager. I have just returned from Niger, a country in the Lake Chad region in West Africa where already pockets of famine have been reported and large numbers of people are dying due to malnutrition and diarrhoea. As you may have heard in the news, famine has recently been declared in South Sudan. This is another country where I have seen first-hand the scale of the hunger crisis that is destroying the lives of millions.

Read our blog on tax inequality

A world where 8 men own the same wealth as humanity’s poorer half

A new Oxfam report, An Economy for the 99%, published by Oxfam today shows that the inequality crisis is far bigger than previously thought – today just eight men own the same wealth as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorer half of humanity. This huge gap between the super-rich and the rest of us is trapping millions in poverty, fracturing our societies and undermining democracy.

A year in pictures: The impact you helped to achieve in 2016

2016 was surely a challenging but rewarding year. The continuation of conflict across the Middle East and East Africa, the ever-changing face of our climate and volatile weather systems, the rising inequality which drives global poverty and of course, the escalating refugee crisis, are challenges which have undoubtedly caused much devastation and sorrow across the world. And with all the challenges that exist today, it can be easy to overlook what is being achieved. So let's look back over the year in pictures.

End unjust tax havens

Tax battles: Home truths on tax

If you were asked to picture a typical tax haven, you would probably start thinking of an exotic island with palm trees and golden sandy beaches. And yes, the stereotype is partly true. Bermuda, Barbados and the Bahamas certainly fit that bill. So far, so typically tropical. But some other tax havens are closer to home than you might think.That’s because a new Oxfam report – entitled ‘Tax Battles’ – found Ireland ranked 6th in a new league table of the world’s worst corporate tax havens which help big companies avoid paying their fair share of tax.

Yemen Crisis

Slowly starved to death: escalating crisis in Yemen

Deadly clashes and air strikes in Yemen have forced millions of people to flee their homes and killed and injured thousands. Now Yemen is being slowly starved to death. Children and parents are at risk of catastrophic hunger and the country is just a few months away from running out of food.