Pauline Hanson downs PHON plane page – @Qldaah #qldpol #auspol

David Marler

David Marler

Queensland reporter at No Fibs
David is a full time carer for his son and in quiet times contributes to the Fifth Estate. He believes that the role of citizen journalists is to question and collate mainstream media stories through social media and blogging.
David Marler
- 26 mins ago
David Marler
David contributes to the Fifth Estate with his websites and
Under scrutiny, Pauline Hanson has taken down the 2015 web page which celebrated the arrival of her Jabiru aircraft.

 Pauline Hanson takes down PHON plane page

Mystery continues to circle an aircraft allegedly gifted to One Nation but never declared to the Australian Electoral Commission. On Monday’s 4 Corners program, “Please Explain”, former One Nation Treasurer Ian Nelson revealed that businessman Bill McNee bought the plane for the One Nation party.

Further investigation today by 4 Corners journalist Caro Meldrum-Hanna revealed that former party members Ron Mclean and Marye Louise Daniels, who also featured in the program, supported Mr Nelson’s claim, “Pauline Hanson’s plane was bought by Bill McNee, former One Nation members say”.

Huffington Post journalist Karen Barlow also noted yesterday that the 2015 web page celebrating the maiden voyage of the plane had been taken down.

Karen had also followed up after the 4 Corners program to confirm from Pauline Hanson’s Chief of Staff, James Ashby that the plane was his.

The web page began by stating,

“This morning, Queensland Senate Candidate, Pauline Hanson, announced her ‘Fed Up’ campaign tour as she touched down at Caloundra Airport, in her new Australian made Jabiru plane.”

The offical page was located at, but it can still be accessed using the Google cache feature at,

A copy of the page has been transcribed below.


Thursday, July 16, 2015
This morning, Queensland Senate Candidate, Pauline Hanson, announced her ‘Fed Up’ campaign tour as she touched down at Caloundra Airport, in her new Australian made Jabiru plane.
“As I have travelled around the country, people are telling me they are fed up with losing the farming sector, they’re fed up with foreign ownership of our land and prime agricultural land, they’re fed up with the threat of terrorism in our country and the free trade agreements that have been signed, which are not in our best interest, and foreign workers coming in to Australia…so hence, the ‘Fed Up’ tour. This is the feedback I am getting from Australians and that’s why I think it is important to get to meet and talk to as many people as I possibly can because I want to represent them on the floor of Parliament.”
In Queensland, Ms. Hanson plans to visit as far north as the Cape York Peninsular where she has been invited to visit Aboriginal elders; she is also planning on visiting the Mount Isa Rodeo and Birdsville Races.
“We are touring through Queensland mainly, because I am standing for the Senate in the next Federal Election, but also to New South Wales and getting around the country to meet people in remote areas and to let them know I am out there. I am going to visit areas where they feel forgotten by their local representatives.”
Hanson’s first official flight, and destination on her ‘Fed Up’ tour, will be to Rockhampton on Friday morning, ahead of the Reclaim Australia Rally to be held on Sunday in the town’s Central Park. Her ‘Pauline Hanson’s One Nation – Fed Up Tour’ branded plane will take off at 6:30am from Caloundra Airport and land at 9:30am in the General Aviation wing of Rockhampton Airport. Media and public are welcome to attend.
“The Reclaim Australia Rally is people like myself saying to our politicians ‘I’m sick and tired of where you have us headed’. This is about us saying ‘listen to us’ they’re obviously not…. It is about being an Australian, being proud of who you are and to maintain our culture, way of life and laws.”
Ms. Hanson has disregarded some speculation that people were opposed to the Reclaim Rallies going ahead in Rockhampton, saying “you always have those who are negative, but I think there are a lot more Australians out there who are concerned about the direction of our country, everyone has a right to have their say and I am all for having these rallies because we have got to get the message across to our government and representatives.”
Ms. Hanson has said that she will also visit Great Keppel Island and Yeppoon to speak with local businesses and residents.
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation will be fielding candidates across the country in the next Federal Election and are calling for people who are like-minded to Pauline, and the party’s beliefs, to show their interest in standing for Parliament.

Pauline and Plane


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