Burning down the house with the mother of all #ausvotes wedges: @Jansant comments

The Liberal Party in Victoria has run a divisive election campaign designed to wedge the vital volunteer emergency service the Country Fire Authority (CFA), creating deep divisions within communities and families. After the Liberal Party and their flying squad of media goons unsuccessfully went after the #Indivotes kids who dared oppose and beat them – […]

Greg Mirabella heats CFA issue to boiling point in #Indivotes as #ausvotes nears: @Jansant reports

The husband of #Indivotes Liberal Party candidate Sophie Mirabella has been involved in an incident at Wangaratta pre-polling with a local Country Fire Authority (CFA) volunteer from the local integrated fire station. No Fibs has been told a third person stepped inbetween the pair to stop Mr Mirabella advancing towards the volunteer. Both people involved […]

Some snowy vox pops before the final #Indivotes week of #ausvotes heat: @Jansant reports

Vox pop questions Have you taken an interest in the election campaign? What is the most important election issue to you? Will the CFA dispute impact how you vote? Are you satisfied with how Cathy McGowan has represented Indi? Tolmie Wade Jackson Not really. Look at re-doing roads. Yes, the CFA saves all the towns […]

Voters grill @IndigoCathy and @MartyCorboyNats #Indivotes Libs cry forum foul: @Jansant reports

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ECE9D8″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Speaking to ABC radio on Tuesday morning, Mirabella said the forum failed to raise “any questions about what I think the top issues of concern for Indi are”, which she said were jobs, infrastructure and roads. Excerp from The Guardian – link at end of story.[/dropshadowbox]The ABC […]

Deputy PM @Barnaby_Joyce parachutes Latham into #IndiVotes: @jansant reports

As expected, #Indivotes got a whole lot more interesting with pre-polling, the Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce (@Barnaby_Joyce) even parachuted Mark Latham into the marginal seat. On the Sunday before pre-polling, Cathy McGowan MP (@IndigoCathy), Marty Corboy (@martycorboynats) and former Nationals member for Murray Valley Ken Jasper, put on a very public display of (and […]

Jasper coaches @martycorboynats to stomping #Indivotes victory over @IndigoCathy: @jansant reports

Queen of Mean takes on Miss Congeniality and #Indivotes braces for the onslaught: @Jansant reports

Last June when Sophie Mirabella (@MirabellaSophie) won Liberal Party preselection for the Federal seat of Indi, the much anticipated McGowan V’s Mirabella rematch was on and the unofficial campaign was off and running. Mirabella went out hard and early, barely a day went by she wasn’t doing media: I’m back and you will see me, […]

Face off in #IndiVotes where @martycorboynats firms as main challenger to @IndigoCathy: Photos @jansant

#PMLive #Indivotes forum, April 21, 2016

Labor probes @TurnbullMalcolm in #QT over “bullied” @ABCAustralia #NBN coverage: @Jansant comments

Last Thursday during Question Time, Jason Clare (@JasonClareMP), Shadow Minister for Communications, asked Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm), about his role in influencing editorial decisions the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) made in relation to its National Broadband Network (NBN) coverage. On January 21, 2016 New Matilda published explosive details of a secretly recorded private conversation […]

Anglican church offers #refugees sanctuary from @PeterDutton_MP’s “black shirts”: @jansant reports

Churches have stepped up their campaign to end Australia’s harmful refugee policies by offering sanctuary to 267 people including 37 babies, facing imminent removal to Nauru. Refugee advocates had hoped for a change in the harsh and punitive government policies under new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm), this has not eventuated. The move will draw […]