

Sandy Hook tragedy has attracted another kind of ugliness: conspiracy theories

Last week US federal prosecutors announced a woman had been indicted for making death threats against a parent whose child was murdered in the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school. Her motivation, the US Department of Justice said, was her belief that the massacre never happened, that it was a hoax.

Wednesday marks four years after the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, happened, and still, just the name Sandy Hook carries a terrible power around the world, capable of delivering an emotional gut punch. In a country where mass shootings are all too common and gun violence takes a daily toll, the shooting of 20 young children in their classrooms, along with six staff members who desperately tried to protect the little ones in their care, still stands out as a particular horror. As The New York Times pointed out, Sandy Hook has also become a symbol of American political intransigence on gun control, shorthand for the "culture of shameful inaction that has taken hold in the wake of the shooting", a period in which no major gun control legislation has received congressional support.

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A group formed by families who lost children in the Sandy Hook school shooting has started a new public service campaign to teach people to recognise the warning signs of someone who may be contemplating gun violence.

But this year in particular, the anniversary of Sandy Hook is also, unfortunately, a reminder of another kind of ugliness that is having a cultural moment – the proliferation of mad conspiracy theories and paranoid fantasies online, which are spilling from the dark fringes of the internet into the mainstream and in some cases, causing real damage.

A small but vocal cohort of people – who ironically call themselves "truthers" – has long tried to muddy the record of what happened at Sandy Hook – variously pushing the notion that the rampage in Newtown was a hoax staged with actors and that no one actually died, or at the least, that key details such as who was responsible were fabricated as part of a plot to manipulate the American public.They believe the perpetrators of this plot are "gun grabbers" – be it the Obama administration, the media or others – who are so intent on depriving Americans of their guns they would falsely stage the mass murder of children to make their point, drawing a town, law enforcement and the rest of the world into an elaborate fiction.

These conspiracy theorists pore over the media coverage of the event, turning minor inconsistencies in news coverage into evidence of a grand plot, critiquing the behaviour of witnesses or family members to find evidence of "faked" grief, or in one case, zooming in on a blur during a live cross by CNN anchor Anderson Cooper in Newtown to suggest his interview with a grieving mother was being conducted in front of a green screen. Cooper addressed this vicious speculation in a program last week pointing out that satellite transmission sometimes blurs images and declaring the theory "insane". It felt insane watching someone even have to explain that fact four years on.

The website InfoWars, which regularly peddles conspiracies, has been a frequent platform for Newtown theories, with founder Alex Jones declaring the whole thing "a giant hoax" and only last month saying that "if children were lost in Sandy Hook my heart goes out to each and every one of those parents … the only problem is I've watched a lot of soap operas, and I've seen actors before".


Such theories would simply be pitiable if they weren't so unbelievable cruel – probing and mocking the grief of parents in unimaginable pain. I'm sure the Sandy Hook families have no greater wish than for the whole thing not to be real, but that's not a mental frolic they can entertain. Another prominent denier has even called for children's bodies to be exhumed to prove the shooting deaths happened.

Unfortunately the arrest of the Sandy Hook denier last week did not feel like an aberration but another sign of the times, coming on the heels of another disturbing incident, where a man fired a gun inside a pizza restaurant at the centre of the Pizzagate conspiracy, which posited that the eatery was home to a child sex ring linked to Hillary Clinton's campaign.

It also comes in a year where a man was elected president after building his political persona peddling conspiracy theories that reinforce this paranoid way of thinking – from suggesting Barack Obama is a secret Kenyan Muslim and illegitimate president or that Ted Cruz's father was linked to JFK's assassination, or repeating the lie that thousands of "illegals" voted illegitimately in the election in the last month. Donald Trump and many of those closest to him have fed on and fuelled the conspiracy economy – he even did an interview with Alex Jones' show during the campaign (Sandy Hook was not discussed), praising his work and lending him legitimacy.

The term "post-truth" is often used for this moment but it's an awfully polite and theoretical way of saying there's been an uptick and legitimisation of weaponised rubbish, which is being used to obscure basic reality and is pushed variously for fun, for clicks, for political gain and other personal reasons that are hard to fathom.

Of the various swamps in need of draining in America, this fever swamp of deranged, hurtful lies and conspiracy theories, which has tarnished an already appalling tragedy in Sandy Hook, is up there, but it doesn't seem like it's going anywhere soon.

Josephine Tovey is a Fairfax Media journalist in New York.