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Postal vote plebiscite idea highlights Australia's dysfunction on marriage equality

Two weeks ago my niece was born – the first in the next generation of my family, tiny and perfect, a May Gibbs illustration come to life.

Her Australian mums – my sister and her wife – welcomed her into this world in a New York hospital. They married in this city 18 months ago. But they're still not legally married when they return to home soil.

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Peter Dutton strikes out at Alan Joyce

Speaking in Queensland, Immigration minister Peter Dutton lashes out at Qantas CEO Alan Joyce over marriage equality.

Life moves forward, but Australia can't seem to.

When it comes to legalising marriage for couples who happen to be of the same sex, the country remains gripped by inertia.

It is an issue that has gone unresolved for too long, and has become one that embodies the torpor that has defined successive Australian governments in this era of perpetual leadership instability.

Polls consistently show around two-thirds of Australians support marriage equality, following a huge turnaround in public opinion over the past two decades. Our laws are out of touch not only with what our citizens now want but with other western countries. Marriage equality became legal nationally in America nearly two years ago, in Canada 12 years ago and the Netherlands 16 years ago.


Australia, however, is still spinning its wheels. Our government remains wedded to an unnecessary plebiscite the senate won't support, leaving them increasingly out of touch.

This has been particularly apparent this past week.

On Tuesday, Fairfax Media reported that even Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, a staunch conservative, accepted that same-sex marriage is likely inevitable and an issue that needed to be resolved before the next election. But there remain no outward signs the government is willing to take the simplest and most obvious course of action to achieve this – a free vote in parliament. Instead, conservatives are reported to be pushing for a non-binding "postal vote plebiscite" – a costly and bizarre stalling tactic (using outdated technology no less) that will only underscore the Australian government's utter backwardness and dysfunction.

Then there was Dutton's extraordinary outburst last week, chastising business leaders from companies including Qantas, Telstra, and Apple, who had urged the government to get on with legislating marriage equality. 

Dutton rubbished the call as an intrusion by elites foisting "politically correct nonsense" on the rest of us, telling them to "stick to their knitting". Some conservative commentators shared his outrage, accusing the businesses of bullying.

But far from a shock intrusion from niche interests, the call from big business only highlighted how much social attitudes on same-sex marriage have changed and how totally out of touch the Australian government's position is.

Let's be honest here. Corporate giants don't rush to the vanguard of radical social change.

The hard work of changing hearts and minds on LGBTI rights has been done for decades by ordinary people, taking extraordinary risks, long before it was popular or even safe to do so. Mardis gras might be thick with corporate floats now, but CEOs weren't there in 1978, getting dragged through the streets and arrested.

The very fact big business is now willing to speak out on this issue is a clear sign of just how effective the struggle has been and how well the argument has been made for equal rights.

This is a phenomenon that's happening overseas in countries such as the US, where the shift in public attitudes has provided not only cover – but indeed motivation – for big business to speak out.

A recent American study cited in the Washington Post found people were more likely to buy Apple products after learning that CEO Tim Cook had spoken out against a religious freedom bill in Indiana in 2015 that he argued would legalise discrimination against gays and lesbians.

"Corporate America's evolution on gay rights appears to have reached a tipping point, one where so many companies have taken a stand on the issue that the risk of speaking out has been superseded by the risk of not doing so," the Post observed last year.

As many of the business leaders who spoke up in Australia last week made clear – it is as much a pragmatic business decision to support marriage equality today as it is a moral one.

"AGL's position is not new," a spokesman for the energy company told Buzzfeed. "We have long advocated for marriage equality for our LGBTI employees and customers. When our people feel safer and happier, and can be their real selves, our business and the community at large is more productive."

It is sign of the times that even in Donald Trump's administration, which promises to be the most socially conservative in decades and one with a casual disregard for human rights, marriage equality is proving uncontroversial.

Trump, with an eye on his evangelical voters, has promised to roll back national abortion rights (something established in a 1973 Supreme Court decision), but has declared same-sex marriage a "settled" issue.

"I'm fine with that," he told CNN in November.

Change is happening – around the world, in boardrooms and in our own families. It will happen in Australia too, even as the government tries, with increasing desperation, to hold back the waters on marriage equality.

I suspect my niece's generation will one day struggle to understand why on earth it took so long.


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