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Kendall Jenner's Pepsi ad and why insincere advertising will not reach Millennials

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The history of socially conscious advertising is a long, storied and desperately sad one. Since the 1960s, brands have tried to co-opt the language of revolution, hijacking social trends to disguise their opportunistic endeavours as subversive ones.

It didn't really work back then – aside from outliers like Coca Cola's surprisingly successful "I'd Like To Buy The World A Coke" campaign, such efforts have historically tended to fall flat on their face – and it certainly isn't working now. Indeed, the issues blighting such ham-fisted attempts have simply been compounded over time. It's not just that corporations are becoming increasingly out of touch: it's that audiences are becoming more savvy.Take, for example, the PR snafu Pepsi unleashed upon themselves on Wednesday with their new ad campaign starring Kendall Jenner. Opening with the socialite mid-photo shoot, the clip then sees her caught up in a non-descript protest, culminating in the moment she hands an appreciative police officer a can of – you guessed it – sweet, refreshing Pepsi.

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Kendall Jenner's Pepsi ad backlash

A new advert for Pepsi starring reality TV star Kendall Jenner has had a rapid backlash on social media.

The advert is about as gruesomely hypnotic as the aftermath of a car crash. All of it seems off, not least the way protesting in front of armed police is portrayed somewhat similarly to a fun street party.

Certainly in its cloying desperation, the advert is one of the most memorable misfires of recent years. But as embarrassing as it might be, it is not a lone example – nor is it even atypical. It's simply the symptom of a belief that underscores most millennial-directed marketing; one that dictates the mere hint of revolt is all you need to win over a younger crowd.

In that way, the Pepsi advert is no different to the NSW government's much-maligned Stoner Sloth campaign, or a recent round of clean coal advertisements playing ahead of films at cinemas across the country. In each of these cases, the aim is to portray vaguely defined social awareness while simultaneously stuffing the real meaning into the subtext. It's no more complicated than a brand playing Marxist dress-ups, obscuring intent under the flimsiest of disguises.

Stoner Sloth was meant to be cool, and funny, and weird – a kind of off-brand Meet The Feebles figure – in order to distract from the advert's deeply uncool, unfunny anti-drug message. While elsewhere, Jenner and her Pepsi-swilling police officer mate are designed to seem revolutionary and dangerous in order to offset the company's stridently capitalistic intent.


As a result, not only is such an attitude laughably incongruent, it also relies on the idiocy of its audience. In order to be fooled by the suddenly urge to resist of one of America's most entitled celebrities or the exploits of a marijuana-addled mammal, a viewer has to have little to no understanding of misdirection or irony.

And that's the problem: millennials, more than any generation before them, are distinctly skilled when it comes to sensing insincerity. Raised on a diet of post-ironic media and living in the era of disguised advertising and native content means younger audiences are perfectly placed to detect subtext. Believing they can be tricked by hollow sentiments and clichéd markers of mutiny is just a way of playing them for fools.

It's not enough to simply nod in the general direction of things millennials hold dear and hope that's about all you'll be asked to do. It's not enough to boil social resentment down to its base components and smear yourself with the tasteless resulting paste. And it's not enough to use real anger – real rage, real feelings of helplessness – as a backdrop for a budding romance between a cop, a can of soft drink and a celebrity with a net worth of millions.

To connect with the young, brands don't need to deceive or distract: they need to lay their cards on the table and sincerely, unsentimentally make their case. After all, if decades of advertising misfires have taught us anything, it's that there is nothing less cool than someone pretending to be so.